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loveMisogyny said:

Ready to literally kill anyone that criticizes my white master <3

And once you are done, ready to bend over and push up that fat and white cock loving ass in the air to grind it against your superior white master, as expected from a degenerate slut such as yourself

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    NiggerAida said:

    Our purpose in life is to build a body fitting for a strong white man to breed❤️

    Makes me wonder sometimes how many of those amazonian negresses in the WNBA want a good white guy to appreciate their athletic bodies day in and day out with their BWCs


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    Will be one of my favorite arts on the booru. Even a strong black chick can be sensitive and submissive around the white cock, bending over under its thrusts. Such a perfect advertisement to go at the gym, the dream of finding my own bleached queen <3

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    Blackhole said:

    It doesn't matter how much time I spend in the gym, any white man I run into is strong enough to toss me around and break me. The muscle's just to give you a nicer view~

    Just the way I and many others like me, like it dayum 👀😏

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    I keep her fit and strong through training everyday and I make her dress like the sexiest ‘proud’ black woman on the planet
    Just so I can tattoo her flesh and fuck her nigger body because no matter who she thinks she is - she’ll always be my property in the end.
    My muscles are bigger and my foot will be on her head while my White Cock is in her ass than her womb.
    No nigger should ever be free and she’ll be relearning that for the rest of her life.

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    TheWhiteMusketeer said:

    You know when I was a teenager I used to dream about genocide h the entire fire nation to conquer Azula. I never realized that was a part of WMAF until now.

    Same bro. Except I always knew what it was. Azula is clearly the sexiest chick from Avatar.

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    Alexander_Pitschushkin said:

    Don't forget to *unalive* this bitch after breeding💜 Don't leave this genetic garbage alive.

    A sexy Jewish princess like that is too precious to kill. She will become the perfect concubine for an Aryan alpha

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    jewish_slut said:

    Nazis turn me on too much. I want to wear that bikini and suck a white cock while I do it, I don't care about anything else

    Yes even in Nazi Germany Jewish girls loved to get fucked by Nazi warriors inside Auschwitz. The babies were then raised in German nurseries to increase the military population so they could further conquer more countries and breed more fertile Jewish pussy. All pussy belongs to der Vaterland!

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    Alexander_Pitschushkin said:

    Don't forget to *unalive* this bitch after breeding💜 Don't leave this genetic garbage alive.

    Way too far, dude. In my opinion, Aryan dudes should do some kinky, rough sex with her then cuddle her afterwards. Kill pussy, not people like Cinnamon QOH said. Also white male/jewish female couples are also cute, ultra bonus if the guy's German.

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    BleachedAnon said:

    Way too far, dude. In my opinion, Aryan dudes should do some kinky, rough sex with her then cuddle her afterwards. Kill pussy, not people like Cinnamon QOH said. Also white male/jewish female couples are also cute, ultra bonus if the guy's German.

    That’s right!

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    Tank_Dempsey said:

    Would be better if the brown boy was a masculine brown alpha male full of insecurity due to his tiny brown penis getting humiliated by a “mere lowly white beta male” with a huge cock. There need to be more femboy and shemale supremacy I say, hehehe

    OMG get out of my wet dream fantasies!!!! (Please continue) :3

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    You know, it doesn't matter what race or biological species a woman, a demon, an elf or someone else is, it doesn't matter! It's just that everyone wants BWC, it's an axiom, it's a fact, it's a truth that is woven into the fabric of the universe!

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