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Tank_Dempsey said:

That’s right Russians come from Viking Rurik warriors. The Middle Eastern looking Russians come from native Slavs/Sarmatians and make great wives while the Asian looking “Russians” are just Uralic tribals and Siberians who are nothing but fuck meat for Russians conquerors. Russians were the original white nationalists and showed Europe how to colonise and occupy other races even Aryan ideology started in Russia. And even when Russians needed reinforcements to fight back against the Asian hordes many hundreds of thousands of Germans went to Russia to keep it white such as the Volga Germans and the Russian monarchal family. Der Führer didn’t hate Russians he just hated the Turkic Asian horde rebels like Lenin and his Red Army who were Atilla the Hun 2.0 Lenin was Chuvash and order his tribesmen and other Uralics to rape white Viking Russian women and claimed himself as the new Russians. He wanted to colonise Europe and turn everything into fucking Siberia. That’s why Nazis killed those Asian invaders and to top it all off Nazis raped over 100,000,000 “Eastern Europeans” (really they were Chuvash, Tatars, Khazars, Yakuts and other Asians) breeding their tight Asian pussies, forcing them to birth Aryan babies. This is why even though the Soviets beat Nazi Germany they didn’t really win because the Soviets were all Germanised thanks to the potency of German seed, hehe.

Anon has a vivid imagination for creative writing ideas.

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    Tank_Dempsey said:

    That’s right Russians come from Viking Rurik warriors. The Middle Eastern looking Russians come from native Slavs/Sarmatians and make great wives while the Asian looking “Russians” are just Uralic tribals and Siberians who are nothing but fuck meat for Russians conquerors. Russians were the original white nationalists and showed Europe how to colonise and occupy other races even Aryan ideology started in Russia. And even when Russians needed reinforcements to fight back against the Asian hordes many hundreds of thousands of Germans went to Russia to keep it white such as the Volga Germans and the Russian monarchal family. Der Führer didn’t hate Russians he just hated the Turkic Asian horde rebels like Lenin and his Red Army who were Atilla the Hun 2.0 Lenin was Chuvash and order his tribesmen and other Uralics to rape white Viking Russian women and claimed himself as the new Russians. He wanted to colonise Europe and turn everything into fucking Siberia. That’s why Nazis killed those Asian invaders and to top it all off Nazis raped over 100,000,000 “Eastern Europeans” (really they were Chuvash, Tatars, Khazars, Yakuts and other Asians) breeding their tight Asian pussies, forcing them to birth Aryan babies. This is why even though the Soviets beat Nazi Germany they didn’t really win because the Soviets were all Germanised thanks to the potency of German seed, hehe.

    A dubious statement, I once studied this topic and remember that they wrote that all Slavs should be destroyed or enslaved , even if at that time they would have known that Russians and other Eastern Slavs were practically not subject to mixing with the Turks , then for political and ideological reasons , the Slavs would have been declared inferior By race , it is also worth noting that the Russian population prevails in the world and in the Far East ... Russian Russians, and you're right about Lenin and the creation of new "Russians", you're completely right here, there are many such new "Russians" in the government of modern Russia, such as we call Noviopy

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    KarcH said:

    A dubious statement, I once studied this topic and remember that they wrote that all Slavs should be destroyed or enslaved , even if at that time they would have known that Russians and other Eastern Slavs were practically not subject to mixing with the Turks , then for political and ideological reasons , the Slavs would have been declared inferior By race , it is also worth noting that the Russian population prevails in the world and in the Far East ... Russian Russians, and you're right about Lenin and the creation of new "Russians", you're completely right here, there are many such new "Russians" in the government of modern Russia, such as we call Noviopy

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. “Slav” was just a general term for all Slavic speaking countries. But not all Slavs were “Slavic”. The actual original Slavs were Iranians and in fact in the Polish Commonwealth the national ideology was called Sarmatism which was the belief that the Poles and other Slavs are descended from noble Iranians native to Eastern Europe. Nazism was inspired by Sarmatism. However these original Slavs were bred out by Germanic conquerors such as the Goths and Vikings. So all the original Slavs are more or less extinct since Germanics bred and fucked every woman they came across when they expanded to other lands. If anything the modern Persians are descended from the Slavs who escaped the Goths. In any case, Russians are a glorious Nordic people who conquered the Asians like the Karelians, Sami, Chuvash, Khazars, Mongols, etc. Russia is Third Rome and the greatest defence of Europe that saved whites from Mongol expansion before conquering the Urals, Siberia and colonising Mongolia. However in the Russian Revolution it wasn’t a “Russian revolution” it was a Asian revolution as Lenin was Chuvash and created an alliance of Asians like Tatars and Khazars and wipe out the “evil white settler colonialists”. Lenin was like a Mexican . Everyone forgets communism was a Germanic ideology (yes Marx was a kike but he was a self hating Kike like Saint Paul and wrote a whole book exposing Judaism and Jewish tricks) but it was used by Asians so they could become the strongest race. Think of modern day China today trying to stand up against the West. Theyre lucky whites haven’t gone communist mode because we’d terrorise the entire fucking planet in less than a decade and throw every Asian in a gulag except the women hehe. Hopefully we’ll colonise them soon since playing nice and trading doesn’t seem to work with chinks. In any case, thanks to the gallant soldiers of the Nazi Army they killed as many fighting Reds as they could while fucking all the commie Asiatic women, permanently cementing Germanic blood within the lands of Eastern Europe. Nazis saved Russia and today Russia is standing strong as one of the last white countries fighting against multiculturalism and Zionist aggression. Uraaaaaa!!!


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    We need a "hyper_dick_shortstack" tag or something. I know as a white man that only white cock is superior; I'm just annoyed by the proportions. Bleached sluts would enjoy an average-looking dick on a short white man anyway.

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    AjBWCfemboy said:

    You’re joking right? Frequently in East Asian countries white men r famed for their virility and stamina and size especially in Japan. Lol
    Hell, even the South Park creators Jew asses were frequently told on their Japan how the Japanese quite frequently said that white American men had big penises. Lol
    Not to mention the fact that Japanese ppl way far more frequently fetishize white culture than black culture. This can even be seen in their portrayal in media where they’re seen as practically inhuman. Not to mention the fact that various different Southeast Asian countries like Thailand, Vietnam, and etcetera have their entire prostitution industries as big as they r because a lotta the women there wanna hook up with white tourists cause they’re richer and statistically far bigger than the men in their country. I would know about how those countries think of white men cause I LITERALLY have a Thai stepmom. Lmao
    And I would know cause I’ve actually been to several Asian countries. And TYPICALLY they tend to hold very different biases towards white ppl than black ppl. And that’s just Asia! The entire reason Latin Americans as we know em today even exist is because they were a buncha natives were subjugated under Spanish rule in the biggest eugenics campaign possibly the world has ever seen where the natives specifically bred with white men in order to create whiter offspring in the racialized hierarchy and the ones that didn’t breed with white men specifically tried to breed with other members of their race to produce traits on their offspring that someone whiter may find more appealing this was called Blanquemiento. Google it. This sentiment is STILL echoed today within Latin American communities that’s why there r so many Latin American white supremacists. If whites weren’t all that great, u would not basically have an entire group of ppl that basically has their existence put in place cause of whites and how they glorify them. Hell, even most black ppl who r actually educated in critical race theory, know the fact that the idea of black ppl having some kinda sexual superiority is actually just a massive cope. Cause sure some African countries may exist where some men r largely endowed but not most of em that live in America and r subjugated to colonial imperialism r and even the ones in Africa that r like that basically live in shithole countries that hv been victims of war even into the 21st century and hold no actual power. Plus STATISTICALLY Venezuelans r shockingly statistically the most endowed. But typically white ppl due to living in more well developed nations r more sexually healthy. Black ppl just fetishize themselves just to feel like they have some power that white ppl have. Despite the fact that they very much don’t in the modern world and r basically nothing more than objectified whereas whites r practically glorified by most places in the world so they use their cope status as a form of escapism.
    In short, you are either MASSIVELY cucked if you’re a white person, and if you are you’re a cracker, and if not then you’re whatever slur applies to your absolutely retarded group of ppl

    Well done! You made good arguments unlike him (someone seriously cites the presence of black guys and the absence of white guys in porn as an argument? ), even highlighted something new ( I've never heard of Blanquemiento ), but why did you answer? After all, it was obvious that he deliberately wanted to anger someone and get a reaction from him, wouldn't it be more logical to ignore him?

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    KarcH said:

    Well done! You made good arguments unlike him (someone seriously cites the presence of black guys and the absence of white guys in porn as an argument? ), even highlighted something new ( I've never heard of Blanquemiento ), but why did you answer? After all, it was obvious that he deliberately wanted to anger someone and get a reaction from him, wouldn't it be more logical to ignore him?

    I shoulda mentioned the fact that in nsfw white is almost seen as a default. Lol
    But I kinda just responded to that to prove my intellectual superiority I guess, cause that’s just kinda in me and for shits and giggles cause I like seeing ppl’s reactions to their view of reality getting destroyed and getting an uno reverse card on em.

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    “Throwawaytest” it’s clearly a troll account baiting to get attention and eventually banned. Spewing literal falsehoods to get people the interact with him. Whites a basically idols used in most Asian countries, whereas blacks are still seen as beasts or even animals in some cases (it’s kind of crazy tbh). Also judging by how many of his posts centre around Asia and asian women, the dude is probably an asian cuck mad that whites basically get chink girls for free, whilst he strokes his near micro-dick to the thought of losing on bleachbooru. Kind of pathetic honestly.

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    AryanSuperSoldier said:

    “Throwawaytest” it’s clearly a troll account baiting to get attention and eventually banned. Spewing literal falsehoods to get people the interact with him. Whites a basically idols used in most Asian countries, whereas blacks are still seen as beasts or even animals in some cases (it’s kind of crazy tbh). Also judging by how many of his posts centre around Asia and asian women, the dude is probably an asian cuck mad that whites basically get chink girls for free, whilst he strokes his near micro-dick to the thought of losing on bleachbooru. Kind of pathetic honestly.

    He should just embrace his rightful place honestly, we should have some posts that could educate him if he comes back lol

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    Some people think niggers will go extinct in the white world order but it's really just the ape boys who don't feminize who'll go in the furnace, obedient little coon girls who know their place in the pecking order are completely welcome. They may be subhuman animal, but who doesn't enjoy a cute little nigger pet's pussy every now and then?

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    NigBreaker said:

    Some people think niggers will go extinct in the white world order but it's really just the ape boys who don't feminize who'll go in the furnace, obedient little coon girls who know their place in the pecking order are completely welcome. They may be subhuman animal, but who doesn't enjoy a cute little nigger pet's pussy every now and then?

    The only sad thing is that they are mixed but i like them dark

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    KarcH said:

    I want to draw attention to the fact that RICH Japanese women choose WHITE sperm donors, while POOR (not only financially, but also mentally and spiritually) women choose to get pregnant from a black man who, upon learning about the girl's pregnancy, immediately runs away from her. It's not for me to draw conclusions, but we are all reasonable people here, we can draw a conclusion from my words :)

    It's honestly weird to me why any girl would choose such a dirty and stinking race to get sperm from. All they have going for them is the porn industry's propaganda, nothing real. The amount of girls who I've fucked who said I'm bigger than any nigger and that nigger boys are small is astounding, lol.

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    CreamPie said:

    It's honestly weird to me why any girl would choose such a dirty and stinking race to get sperm from. All they have going for them is the porn industry's propaganda, nothing real. The amount of girls who I've fucked who said I'm bigger than any nigger and that nigger boys are small is astounding, lol.

    I don't understand either, I can only assume that modern women have been corrupted by modern culture. well, you know, porn, which shows that black men are "masculine", modern music, especially black rap, where niggas self-represent themselves and create a new "masculinity", and also the widespread humiliation of white men and Western culture, which is why a white man has to become toothless, because if you if you say something bad to someone or hit someone, it will be a manifestation of white supremacy, yes, I exaggerate, but isn't that so? Porn, popular culture, belittling of white men and their cultural heritage, and many other things influence women to mistakenly think that the base, immoral and animal behavior of niggas is manly. And the worst thing is that girls perceive all this from childhood, but due to the fact that they have not yet developed as a person and due to the fact that many parents care less and less about raising children, young girls, as well as men, begin to perceive it as something positive, and not as something negative

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    KarcH said:

    I don't understand either, I can only assume that modern women have been corrupted by modern culture. well, you know, porn, which shows that black men are "masculine", modern music, especially black rap, where niggas self-represent themselves and create a new "masculinity", and also the widespread humiliation of white men and Western culture, which is why a white man has to become toothless, because if you if you say something bad to someone or hit someone, it will be a manifestation of white supremacy, yes, I exaggerate, but isn't that so? Porn, popular culture, belittling of white men and their cultural heritage, and many other things influence women to mistakenly think that the base, immoral and animal behavior of niggas is manly. And the worst thing is that girls perceive all this from childhood, but due to the fact that they have not yet developed as a person and due to the fact that many parents care less and less about raising children, young girls, as well as men, begin to perceive it as something positive, and not as something negative

    It's funny because niggers haven't done anything great in history. They were slaves and nothing more. Compare that to White men who conquered and colonised most of the world. At least most women I know would rather vomit the contents of their stomachs out than date a shitskin.

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    CreamPie said:

    It's funny because niggers haven't done anything great in history. They were slaves and nothing more. Compare that to White men who conquered and colonised most of the world. At least most women I know would rather vomit the contents of their stomachs out than date a shitskin.

    Yes, that's right, niggas have done nothing for this world except to rap, but this is not such an achievement, let's be honest, blacks are not yet at the level of development that a new Schubert, Bach, Tchaikovsky or Kandinsky would appear among them. As for me, most black men are aggressive, last week my social psychology teacher told me how Niggers who came from Africa to study at a local state university looked at her, they looked at her far from friendly, it is worth noting that these are not the worst representatives of the black race, I'm afraid to imagine how poorly educated niggers behave somewhere in America. Although it is worth adding that black girls are quite attractive, which cannot be said about black guys, but this is already a digression from the topic

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    KarcH said:

    I don't understand either, I can only assume that modern women have been corrupted by modern culture. well, you know, porn, which shows that black men are "masculine", modern music, especially black rap, where niggas self-represent themselves and create a new "masculinity", and also the widespread humiliation of white men and Western culture, which is why a white man has to become toothless, because if you if you say something bad to someone or hit someone, it will be a manifestation of white supremacy, yes, I exaggerate, but isn't that so? Porn, popular culture, belittling of white men and their cultural heritage, and many other things influence women to mistakenly think that the base, immoral and animal behavior of niggas is manly. And the worst thing is that girls perceive all this from childhood, but due to the fact that they have not yet developed as a person and due to the fact that many parents care less and less about raising children, young girls, as well as men, begin to perceive it as something positive, and not as something negative

    There was an Instagram reel of this blonde white woman crying about having to give up her baby for adoption because she couldn’t raise her on her own, and when everyone saw the baby was half black they roasted the shit out of her and reaffirmed the stereotype that black men only want to pump and dump women and don’t give a shit about them. Truly decadence in the West is so bad that white women got stereotyped for being dog-fuckers and whores. Of course the only white women attracted to black men are naïve morons or ugly liberals who no one wants anyway, like that one red headed fat girl who bragged about how she hated white “boys” but love black “men” only for guys of every race to reject her. That whole porn fantasy blacked addicts have of some conservative white, latina or Asian girl getting seduced and transformed into a spade Queen never happens.

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    TheWhiteMan said:

    There was an Instagram reel of this blonde white woman crying about having to give up her baby for adoption because she couldn’t raise her on her own, and when everyone saw the baby was half black they roasted the shit out of her and reaffirmed the stereotype that black men only want to pump and dump women and don’t give a shit about them. Truly decadence in the West is so bad that white women got stereotyped for being dog-fuckers and whores. Of course the only white women attracted to black men are naïve morons or ugly liberals who no one wants anyway, like that one red headed fat girl who bragged about how she hated white “boys” but love black “men” only for guys of every race to reject her. That whole porn fantasy blacked addicts have of some conservative white, latina or Asian girl getting seduced and transformed into a spade Queen never happens.

    It's terrible, I have no words... I'm just shocked by all this

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