


courier6 said:

I am so proud about my three daughters

Real, it would be a blessing to have 3 intersex/futa daughters knowing full well they have the means necessary to dominate any inferior who dares to try and hit on and sleazily tries to hook up with em.


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    To have an asian bitch drooling like that on my white cock as she mumbles and begs in her native language.

    Gook, chinkese or jap? I don't know and I don't fucking care. Her wet pussy, her desperate moans and how she slides into me is telling me everything I need to know...

    I mean it's pretty much universal for "breed me".

    And when I answer, leaning over her my hot heavy breath against her ear whispering things in my native language she does not need to know the exact meaning. She just needs to feel my determinate thrusts as her soft ass slams against my hard body, how my strong fingers dig into her supple flesh pulling her into me. She will know that she is claimed, that she will have hapa baby after hapa baby as I make her a mother.

    It's almost a pity. Despite how cute she is speaking her "gookese" our kids will grow up not knowing a hint of it. Ill whisper to them into her highly pregnant belly, read bedtime stories to them and teach them all in my language. Fully assimilating them into my culture as I erase hers.

    Eventually the more of my language she learns, as her cute accent fades more and more, she might be able to tell me in words how proud it makes her to be taken into my culture.

    But I could tell from the first time I had her panting on my dick.

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    NaziKitty said:

    Lighter skin = better kitty

    I agree! But it 's worth remembering that every good white kitty should be with a good and loving man! So every white kitty has a good white man!..... Ahem ahem.... But what could be better than a white kitty? Only the white Nazi kitty!~

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    KarcH said:

    I agree! But it 's worth remembering that every good white kitty should be with a good and loving man! So every white kitty has a good white man!..... Ahem ahem.... But what could be better than a white kitty? Only the white Nazi kitty!~

    Oh gosh, thank you! >w<

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    ShyAndBehaved said:

    It doesn't matter if we are Jewish, black, brown... We'll still submit to our Nazi Masters every chance we get~
    We ♥️ Nazi Bulls <3

    Good Girl!
    I'm so glad to see my personal property making friends with other inferior races of womben, especially kikes like your little college girlfriend from economics class. She had no clue that such a pretty smart little brown classmate like you is regularly used and abused by massive virile White Men. Every one and a while your little jewish classmate would notice your cheeks were a little too pink.. but you always managed to convince her it was the new make up you were using & that your new White boyfriend makes you blush SO HARD, but ehen she noticed the grip marks on your wrist , you managed to covince her it was just the new JEWlery your White Boyfriend gave you. But one day your little jewish friend noticed you had a little baby bump, so when she asked you if youre pregnant, you showed her your belly, revealing Queen of Hearts tattoo proudly displayed with swastikaz.

    You had never seen your little jewish classmate so shocked & in
    complete awe. The only time she made that face of utter astonishment again is when you intruduced her to your Nazi boyfriend.. & all of his friends that just immigrated from Germany...

    I guess you and your little jewish classmate had more in common than you realized. ❤️ 🪽

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