


I wish I was in her place. There is nothing I crave more than being turned into a pet for a much bigger white male at least twice my age.

As a young and petite Asian girl I can't help it... Every time I'm next to a white man I feel how my weak body push me to act submissive and obedient, it's just natural on me and... I don't want to deny it anymore. I really mean it... I WANT TO BE COMPLETELY SEXUALIZED, FETISHIZED AND OBJECTIFIED! I WANT TO BE REDUCED TO NOTHING BUT A TOY OR A FUCKDOLL FOR OLDER WHITE MALES!

I... I constantly fantasize with me being shipped to a western country packaged inside a little transparent box as I was an actual fuckdoll. Just ready for my white owner to completely train, domesticate and educate me as I was an actual pet. I want a tight collar wrapped around my neck, I want all of my rights stripped off from me and I want my white master taking absolutely all my choices for me as I dedicate my life to what I was born for... Being a good pet and toy for my mature white daddy.

Come on, my white gods, this jap bitch is desperate and needy, come claim what belongs to you and remember, even if I'm so small and short don't have mercy with me... Colonize my pale womb and force me to carry your superior race babies... Turn me into a pocket babymaker <3

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    MikanJapCocksleeve said:

    I wish I was in her place. There is nothing I crave more than being turned into a pet for a much bigger white male at least twice my age.

    As a young and petite Asian girl I can't help it... Every time I'm next to a white man I feel how my weak body push me to act submissive and obedient, it's just natural on me and... I don't want to deny it anymore. I really mean it... I WANT TO BE COMPLETELY SEXUALIZED, FETISHIZED AND OBJECTIFIED! I WANT TO BE REDUCED TO NOTHING BUT A TOY OR A FUCKDOLL FOR OLDER WHITE MALES!

    I... I constantly fantasize with me being shipped to a western country packaged inside a little transparent box as I was an actual fuckdoll. Just ready for my white owner to completely train, domesticate and educate me as I was an actual pet. I want a tight collar wrapped around my neck, I want all of my rights stripped off from me and I want my white master taking absolutely all my choices for me as I dedicate my life to what I was born for... Being a good pet and toy for my mature white daddy.

    Come on, my white gods, this jap bitch is desperate and needy, come claim what belongs to you and remember, even if I'm so small and short don't have mercy with me... Colonize my pale womb and force me to carry your superior race babies... Turn me into a pocket babymaker <3

    I get it. Come if you want some 😈


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    MikanJapCocksleeve said:

    I wish I was in her place. There is nothing I crave more than being turned into a pet for a much bigger white male at least twice my age.

    As a young and petite Asian girl I can't help it... Every time I'm next to a white man I feel how my weak body push me to act submissive and obedient, it's just natural on me and... I don't want to deny it anymore. I really mean it... I WANT TO BE COMPLETELY SEXUALIZED, FETISHIZED AND OBJECTIFIED! I WANT TO BE REDUCED TO NOTHING BUT A TOY OR A FUCKDOLL FOR OLDER WHITE MALES!

    I... I constantly fantasize with me being shipped to a western country packaged inside a little transparent box as I was an actual fuckdoll. Just ready for my white owner to completely train, domesticate and educate me as I was an actual pet. I want a tight collar wrapped around my neck, I want all of my rights stripped off from me and I want my white master taking absolutely all my choices for me as I dedicate my life to what I was born for... Being a good pet and toy for my mature white daddy.

    Come on, my white gods, this jap bitch is desperate and needy, come claim what belongs to you and remember, even if I'm so small and short don't have mercy with me... Colonize my pale womb and force me to carry your superior race babies... Turn me into a pocket babymaker <3

    You know what they say,tainted races must be purified<3

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    AryanBimbo said:

    18 is so lucky to have a white stud like Krillin, I bet that dildo she bought barely comes close to what it's like to get railed by the strongest human on earth~

    ngl I don't think krillin is white, he's pretty asian-coded. also my headcanon is that saiyans and half-breeds are white-coded due to the nature of super saiyan making them literal aryans and having an honour bound warrior culture of fighters. and pretty much everything else about saiyans

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    AryanSuperSoldier said:

    you seem to have a thing for futas, or being a futa. either way I'm not against white futas, we can all bleach together

    Those models have also dick's, I can make in the future made variations with and without

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