I agree! But it 's worth remembering that every good white kitty should be with a good and loving man! So every white kitty has a good white man!..... Ahem ahem.... But what could be better than a white kitty? Only the white Nazi kitty!~
I agree! But it 's worth remembering that every good white kitty should be with a good and loving man! So every white kitty has a good white man!..... Ahem ahem.... But what could be better than a white kitty? Only the white Nazi kitty!~
It doesn't matter if we are Jewish, black, brown... We'll still submit to our Nazi Masters every chance we get~ We ♥️ Nazi Bulls <3
Good Girl! I'm so glad to see my personal property making friends with other inferior races of womben, especially kikes like your little college girlfriend from economics class. She had no clue that such a pretty smart little brown classmate like you is regularly used and abused by massive virile White Men. Every one and a while your little jewish classmate would notice your cheeks were a little too pink.. but you always managed to convince her it was the new make up you were using & that your new White boyfriend makes you blush SO HARD, but ehen she noticed the grip marks on your wrist , you managed to covince her it was just the new JEWlery your White Boyfriend gave you. But one day your little jewish friend noticed you had a little baby bump, so when she asked you if youre pregnant, you showed her your belly, revealing Queen of Hearts tattoo proudly displayed with swastikaz.
You had never seen your little jewish classmate so shocked & in complete awe. The only time she made that face of utter astonishment again is when you intruduced her to your Nazi boyfriend.. & all of his friends that just immigrated from Germany...
I guess you and your little jewish classmate had more in common than you realized. ❤️ 🪽
Good girl, that's standard procedure when meeting a Nazi. Just submit and spread our legs <3
Just like how you spread your carmel colored legs for me? What an Irony, the Good Girl teaching other inferior spics how to be colonized by the Big White Cocks the Good Girl has cum to love so dearly.
Thanks for making the workd a better place, one pregnancy at a time.
That's what a real woman looks like, all girls should strive to be like her~
Good girl. Inferior little half breed spics like you have always known Deep down that perfect Aryan girls are better than you. You Long to sit at their table in high school, to braid their golden hair, to be their friend & to be just like them. You want the Aryan genes Inside You to shine as brightly as her Golden hair.
So worship it like one, get on your knees and show how devoted you are to your new faith
Embrace it and devote your life, inferior body, your dirty mouth.. .everything. Pray to your new god twice a day at least or more, let it twitch and throb inside any of your holes to show that you trurly believe in white supremacy
White men in general are deities. So let white men think for you too, isnt it better to let a god control, own and think for you instead... our silly monkey brains cant think good enough on their own anyway
I always thought I found faith when I first put a cross on my neck and wore it proudly, Always going and helping around church and what not.
I always said till marriage.
But thats not possible when white men exist, they always get what they want. The true faith that us black women have with god, Is that white men are gods themselves. We exist to serve them, help them experience the desires that they want to experience. Its only what were good for.
Exactly like me, I always prepare the girl with makeup and teach exactly how to have sex with my husband, I feel proud when they are both crazy with pleasure. For a world where more women accept seeing their white husband with someone else, and that women accept loving someone else's white husband.
I've seen some whack skin edits in my time, but this might be one of the worst lmfao This guy needs to go to the doctor and get his dick checked out fr
Oh I'm sure she would be great fuck. I'd love to give her what she wants and pour lots of my white seed in her tight pussy. I wish I could break such nice petite slut.