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user_1761 said:

I'm a latino and can confirm you're embarrassingly correct ._.
I think part of it is just the massive size difference to my 3 inches...

Hahahahaaaa omG this reminds me of something I said to this one half Latino guy. However despite being a Latino he was a walking negative white boy stereotyoe and he was DEFINITELY packing only 3 inches especially cause his girl left him and he got so angry about me being right

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    O-Oh! It's just a nazi. Sieg heil! Sorry, some non white creeps have been spying on me. Mostly other anthros. Thank goodness you're only exterminating male anthros. I get to live because of my benevolent nazi rulers! You guys are so nice for that. Also the free tattoos were pretty cool. I look good with swastikas don't I?

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