


The beach is segregated by race. I personally have no issues with it, but the whites always steal our spaces. I got in a bit of a dispute with one, but being the white gentleman he was he solved it easily. By smacking my face, forcing me down, and breeding me. He pumped his golden white seed into me three whole times! He's taking me in as his personal slave now, and is eager to fill me with even more cum. Best part about all of it is I didn't consent to any of this. But he did get me out of the ghetto with all the limp dick niggers

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    AjBWCfemboy said:

    I’m not mad just confused like who thought “Oh yeah Alastor the Radio Demon as a chick would be the PERFECT person for FUNNY VALENTINE from JOJO’S to bang.”💀

    We artists have an infinite amount of power

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    Hungry4WhiteCock said:

    As a woman it's natural for me to serve and worship my white king in any way he desires, especially if that desire is me making out with his divine asshole~

    If you’re aight enough I would love to fulfill those desires 😏

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