We're not taking the Pulitzer home with this caption, I'm afraid. But, Nashin, a true wizard knows when to throw the largest common denominator a bone so that he reels them in and guides them to his more prestigious works.
I need to feel cum in pussy already... Im literally in peak of my fertility years, i need to get my self an husband and make white babies. But its hard to find an far right man...
All Jewish girls secretly want to give birth to Aryan babies. Unfortunately their racist Jewish incel husbands don’t allow their women to be free and chase their dreams.
"I just bought a property in THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT OF THE OCCUPIED POLISH TERRITORIES, and what they do for you is that they give you the property..." ass music
Wow, Sojourn looks must better with this cute hairstyle than those ugly dreads. And a blue eyed negress, as well. Love to see it. Such a beautiful rarity should be preserved by getting her knocked up by a white man.
I can't take it anymore. Ever since I laid eyes on Sojourn's comically large thunder thighs, I've been a mess. I'm going cuckoo for her Coco-Puffy massive dumpy, and I'm losing the mental battle. I want her tenderloins to grease my weasel. I want her to break all my ribs with her meaty elephant legs. I want her to shatter my jaw with her piping-hot hambones. I want her to crush my windpipe with her humongous ham hocks.
I don't know why, maybe its my brain being fucked in the head because of seeing nationplay stuff but.. even with me being mainly russian... the idea of a girl like forcing me or even brainwashing me into being like, an americanized southern belle clad in one of those just seems so... appealing I guess?... idk i'll stop rambling
I don't know why, maybe its my brain being fucked in the head because of seeing nationplay stuff but.. even with me being mainly russian... the idea of a girl like forcing me or even brainwashing me into being like, an americanized southern belle clad in one of those just seems so... appealing I guess?... idk i'll stop rambling
It's cute when women ramble tho, it's clear to me that you like being submissive to other white women from this post at least
The idea of some American take over of europe and scandinavia where they'd take all the aryan and white women as pets and wives, stamping them with the red white and blue before sending them off to the continential US (now connected to a annexed Canada and mexico) to be married off to hung, white american studs, and exporting all the inferior members of their and europe's population off to some massive off shore artifical island work camp or something...
(please ignore my dumb ramblings, i'm just horny TwT)
The idea of some American take over of europe and scandinavia where they'd take all the aryan and white women as pets and wives, stamping them with the red white and blue before sending them off to the continential US (now connected to a annexed Canada and mexico) to be married off to hung, white american studs, and exporting all the inferior members of their and europe's population off to some massive off shore artifical island work camp or something...