Excellent place for a Black Sun~ Great, now I'm imagining Jill as a closet neo-Nazi, and by extent, VA-11 HALL-A as a white supremacist bar with her using policy as an excuse to kick out non-whites~
Figures Alma would be going after little boys like the spic cow she is Dorothy is such an angel for helping that little man get off, what a lovely kiss~
As a guy, I get kinda sick of constantly seeing the male in porn essentially just being reduced to just their meat, or they’re just kinda (or REALLY) ugly looking (which is a consequence of editing blacked porn niggers to have white skin I suppose..), it’s always more refreshing in my honest opinion when the dude in question is actually handsome to match.
Idk if it’s just that artists don’t see the profit incentive to also put some effort into drawing the males, that’s probably it, but I think there’s an untapped market for that.