It's the symbol of the Hammerskins, a racist skinhead group in the US. As for what it means, no idea, but it goes hard. You can thank the ADL for listing all these groups and their designs for me to make templates off.
I love fucking my throat on your fucking fat white dick!~ I'm making such a fucking mess, please fucking blow that thick load of cock-snot down my fucking throat sir!~
I simply can't resist kneeing down to superior white cock <3
You will be a feminist against non white men and you will only be a misogynist to white men. Only white men will you suck. All other men don’t deserve women.
Just fuck my slutty throat Sir! Please just choke me out with that massive fucking cock, make me gag and cough, make me fucking beg to pass out with you fuck my face!~
She should kiss that colonizing white cock with gratitude and devotion. That won't be the last load to knock up her fertile caramel pussy; not until she helps white wash her racial bloodline~
That's a perfect balance between fat and muscle, ideal for procreation. Her tighs and cheeks are made for squeezing cock between them, peak brown cutie's physic
White man’s sap while ensure her body receives enough protein to give her the energy to bear a white man’s child either a white son or a mixed race daughter. Mixed race sons or black sons must be aborted at all costs.