Moving to america from finland.. finding a tall, muscular american man.. he completely americanizes/brainwashes me to the point where I can't even remember my life in finland anymore.. and just living on a calm ranch and being a good plump housewife for my hubby~...
God my brain is too stupid when horny...
Then you should definitely choose an American state like Texas, and not a democrat one like Commiefornia.
Real talk, this artist makes great art, but this isn’t edited? So the artist just straight up makes bleached/risky hot art? And is this the reason why I can’t find heir artist tag on standard sites like r34?
thank you! no, it hasn't been edited, I drew it just like that, it's on my x account and pixiv ^w^
It's my guy Iori fucking her. That's his jacket, ring on finger and the crescent moon implies it too. And he has white skin with red hair sometimes. But unfortunately he is Japanese so this image should not be here.
Bleachers, which term do you prefer more? Aryan or White? Please respond below.
Depends on the context imo, Aryan is a term of respect, so I find it hot in "professional" settings, while White is more endearing or casual. Kinda like Father Vs. Dad.
We need Dagger to be bleached already. She's practically begging to be a QoH, there's so much potential for cucking Cloak and making Dagger a Bleach Bunny.
Such a perfect little christmas present~ A beautiful, busty, perfectly devoted bleached slut all for me~ Such devotion for giving such a lovely present deserves a womb filled to the brim~
The elites don't want you to know this but if you are white the strippers at the strip club are free. You just need to knock them up and take em home. I have about 1488 former strippers turned bleached housewifes at home
The elites don't want you to know this but if you are white the strippers at the strip club are free. You just need to knock them up and take em home. I have about 1488 former strippers turned bleached housewifes at home
I'm so amazed by her beautiful long white hair, but rest of her body is ideal too... I wish I could have my own fairy like her. It would be dream come true for me to have such good woman that would bear my child, give me family and let me provide for them. This would be such bliss. Shame in modern world such thing is rarity and it's easier to find crazy leftist something that is controlled by mass media and deny nature. Let's destroy world just for sake of being rebel.
I'm so amazed by her beautiful long white hair, but rest of her body is ideal too... I wish I could have my own fairy like her. It would be dream come true for me to have such good woman that would bear my child, give me family and let me provide for them. This would be such bliss. Shame in modern world such thing is rarity and it's easier to find crazy leftist something that is controlled by mass media and deny nature. Let's destroy world just for sake of being rebel.