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Aenglisc_OverKing said:

The 4 phases in the acceptance of BWC superiority that coloured boys go through.

Phases 1: Anger
In this phase the coloured boy will be enraged by the perfection of BWC. His anger is mostly driven by jealousy.

Phases 2: Confusion
As the second phase continues, the coloured boy will become completely enthralled by BWC. This sudden change in attitude will cause severe confusion for the coloured boy.

Phases 3: Mental Breakdown
When this phase begins, the coloured boy’s grip on reality will begin to slip. He will become overly anxious, easily excitable, paranoid, and unbelievably lustful. The coloured boy will spend hours masturbating to BWC. Their sexuality will begin to change. Slowly they will lose interest in women, and begin focusing purely on BWC.

Phases 4: Acceptance
At this phase the coloured boy will fully except his fate as nothing more than a fuck toy for white men. At this point the coloured boy has either become a heterosexual trans woman, or a fully homosexual male.

I'm at stage 4

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    They say don't stick dick inside crazy well I would not only stick but breed her for being such good girl. I'd love to let her play with my cock using her amazing feet and after that I would rail her till both of us would be satisfied.

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    Wonderful trio. Each woman is so hot and tempting. I really like tsun Asuka here would be nice to fuck her after this. Misato is wonderful woman and Rei well it would be amazing to break her emotionless face into full slutty lewd cock drunk whore

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