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ftcimtla said:

Not sure why people are saying all this stuff, she's canonically bisexual, not a lesbian lol

It's just porn, not that deep. I'm sure most of the guys here love seeing dykes get bleached cuz it's taboo and not because they actually hate them lmao

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    Groomed_Gook_Girl said:

    It's just porn, not that deep. I'm sure most of the guys here love seeing dykes get bleached cuz it's taboo and not because they actually hate them lmao

    Agreed, there are even girls liking that sort of stuff

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    HunterBreeder said:

    Happy pride month! But in all seriousness how long until we make dyke-breaking a national pastime? If my shit's getting pre-empted by something better this than driving in circles.

    Hopefully soon~

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    TheGooner said:

    we got corpos sponsoring porn now? sure, fuck it, whatever man. can't wait to see sombra overwatch get hijacked because she didn't have a subscription for surfshark vpn.

    i mean if there's one sponsor who can pull off an ad in a porn animation it's gamersupps. i've seen their products, they very clearly market to horny degenerates.

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