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HazardDragon10 said:

Mmmm i never know if girls are just saying stuff like this on here or if they really want it either way I'm here for it

I mean, they chose to seek this site out specifically so there is some attraction.
If any girl here wasnt into it at least a little they'd go to a more broad booru.

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    The king and his guards who ran instead of staying to fight were found months later. The male guards were executed on the spot while the female guards were 'liberated' of their chastity vows as their coward of a king was forced to watch. He was then taken back to the former elf kingdom to face execution. His ex-wife and daughter visited him on the day of his execution. What finally broke his spirit was their pregnant bellies, half-white babies sired the day he ran.

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    No matter the color, black, brown, yellow, green, blue, or white: All should be worshipping white gods, wrapping those red lips around our meaty tips until their throats are drenched. Breed right, breed white girls. Your best spot for a sustainable future is as a servant for Aryan men~

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