She could not help them if she tried. Would you look away from such a GOD, would you dare? Could you resist the stench of his manhood wafting towards your nostrils, the heat of it warming your face in such close quarters? Do not judge her for she has seen the face of GOD (a blonde haired, blue eyed WHITE man) and has been purified.
Wether its your brother, sister or whatever… if you get the choice to stop kissing a fat white cock and save them or worship it in exchange for his friends to be rougher… the choice is easily made~!🤍🤍🤍
Nothing like training day in and out to get a strong body and still have a fat white cock longer than my forearm and thicker than my calves casually slapped in my face
Genuinely nothing in this world that makes me feel as cute as wearing a bunny suit does. Like, I think us Asian girls belong in costumes, you know? It's a really really arousing fantasy. I've never worn anything THIS skimpy before though.