

Date Uploader bwclover088 Rating Questionable

As good as these may be for the egos of some, this is so incredibly insulting to those who know theology. I can stand the demons, they literally fell and chose eternal damnation just to fuck humans, despite the disastrous consequences. The Fallen were made to watch their massive offspring terrorize normal men, and then turn on each other as cannibals and annihilate one another before the flood. If you really want to do this, do aliens. Ancient cultures describe aliens/gods coming down and giving us technology, teaching us. The native americans called them star people, ant people, wolfmen from Sirius, the Pleiades, Orion's Belt. Sumerians speak of an ancient war between the hawk and the snake, Enki and Enlil. Christianity teaches that it was the angels/spirits appointed to watch over us deciding to turn against God. Book of Enoch, Genesis, etc. This was in the days of Noah, the Bible says it will be so when the Son of Man returns (Jesus) so I would go with extraterrestrial contact and interbreeding/genetic engineering. But know that all of these will be magical, but they will also be your enemies in a sense. You thought the degeneracy and decay of society was bad now? It can get so so much worse. Try to stay away from the pornography, go to the gym, work on yourself and trying to help others pick themselves up out of the gutter. Mindset is everything, your greatest enemy is yourself. Conquer the self, the desires of the flesh, and you shall be unstoppable.

Let me put it this way as well, if God never changes, and sees the end from the beginning, if this reality is essentially an illusion for consciousness, and we are to ultimately become the bride of Christ and co-heirs, to become children of God and above the angels, then that was the plan from the beginning. God made Man to be his representatives in this plane of existence, with a body like a beast and a spirit like an angel. If you read the Bible, the goal isn't to be a mindless slave, it's to help others. Protecting the poor, widows, the sick and lame, those who struggle to help themselves. When you feed and clothe the homeless, Jesus says you do that for him. How can God be with everyone, if He is not the conscious energy that drives reality, the source of all? There is a passage in the Bible saying that he who can be faithful with little will be faithful with much, and he who is unfaithful with little will likewise be unfaithful with much. Luke 16:10 If you consider what God says his end goal is for Humanity, how he describes this life as a race witha prize at the end, then is the point not to know God and become like God? Is this not essentially a very abstract classroom to teach us what to do/not to do and the consequences thereof? Is this not bootcamp?

No man is perfect, and many of the men described in the old testament that God loved were men that sinned. You have a conscience, a moral law written in your heart, which isn't your organ but the core of your thoughts and inner being. Do not lay down and take the easy way out, you can suffer obesity, addiction, anger and hatred, the pain of regret, or you can suffer discipline. No matter what, you will suffer.

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    ChiefShrimp said:

    As good as these may be for the egos of some, this is so incredibly insulting to those who know theology. I can stand the demons, they literally fell and chose eternal damnation just to fuck humans, despite the disastrous consequences. The Fallen were made to watch their massive offspring terrorize normal men, and then turn on each other as cannibals and annihilate one another before the flood. If you really want to do this, do aliens. Ancient cultures describe aliens/gods coming down and giving us technology, teaching us. The native americans called them star people, ant people, wolfmen from Sirius, the Pleiades, Orion's Belt. Sumerians speak of an ancient war between the hawk and the snake, Enki and Enlil. Christianity teaches that it was the angels/spirits appointed to watch over us deciding to turn against God. Book of Enoch, Genesis, etc. This was in the days of Noah, the Bible says it will be so when the Son of Man returns (Jesus) so I would go with extraterrestrial contact and interbreeding/genetic engineering. But know that all of these will be magical, but they will also be your enemies in a sense. You thought the degeneracy and decay of society was bad now? It can get so so much worse. Try to stay away from the pornography, go to the gym, work on yourself and trying to help others pick themselves up out of the gutter. Mindset is everything, your greatest enemy is yourself. Conquer the self, the desires of the flesh, and you shall be unstoppable.

    Let me put it this way as well, if God never changes, and sees the end from the beginning, if this reality is essentially an illusion for consciousness, and we are to ultimately become the bride of Christ and co-heirs, to become children of God and above the angels, then that was the plan from the beginning. God made Man to be his representatives in this plane of existence, with a body like a beast and a spirit like an angel. If you read the Bible, the goal isn't to be a mindless slave, it's to help others. Protecting the poor, widows, the sick and lame, those who struggle to help themselves. When you feed and clothe the homeless, Jesus says you do that for him. How can God be with everyone, if He is not the conscious energy that drives reality, the source of all? There is a passage in the Bible saying that he who can be faithful with little will be faithful with much, and he who is unfaithful with little will likewise be unfaithful with much. Luke 16:10 If you consider what God says his end goal is for Humanity, how he describes this life as a race witha prize at the end, then is the point not to know God and become like God? Is this not essentially a very abstract classroom to teach us what to do/not to do and the consequences thereof? Is this not bootcamp?

    No man is perfect, and many of the men described in the old testament that God loved were men that sinned. You have a conscience, a moral law written in your heart, which isn't your organ but the core of your thoughts and inner being. Do not lay down and take the easy way out, you can suffer obesity, addiction, anger and hatred, the pain of regret, or you can suffer discipline. No matter what, you will suffer.

    based. whoevers reading this go to church except non-whites ur going to hell. Remember we die to forgive our sins.


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    MisogynyWins said:

    I'm a patient man when it comes to re-educating stupid nigger cunts; their brain capacity is so much lower than an a pure Aryan man's!

    On the bright side, if she still doesn't learn, you could just hang her~

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    Certain silly people say white women can't be bleached or it's useless to put QoH stuff on them, but it's really hot when white women declare their racial loyalty and even hotter when it's actually in a simpler, subtler fashion like underwear sets instead of full-body tattooing. Drives it home that it's simply natural and should just be naturally understood that white women are for white men.

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    MisogynyWins said:

    Next step, start dressing the part! No point being closeted; need to make your stance known to everyone!

    All she needs is some encouragement, and she'll be confident enough to display her beliefs proudly!

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