Would totally let a white man casually inspect my little mouth and throat like that in public before he takes me back to his place and breeds the fuck out of me~ <3
Would totally let a white man casually inspect my little mouth and throat like that in public before he takes me back to his place and breeds the fuck out of me~ <3
Taking you back to my place would mean that I'm going to marry you. If you're Gook gullet is good enough to inspect in public, it's good enough to fuck in public. It wouldn't be the first time a Chink has been colonized for everyone to see . I personally have "inspected" a few asian mouths moments after we met. If you want to find out what happened in Santa Monica between me and two asian girls I met on the street, send me a DMail on Bleachbooru messages. I get banned every time I get to graphic in comments with you B W C addicts.
This nigger slut doesn't deserve to be impregnated by my superior cum she better learn to be nice anal slut and cum while her useless cunt remain ingnored.
This nigger slut doesn't deserve to be impregnated by my superior cum she better learn to be nice anal slut and cum while her useless cunt remain ingnored.
Latinas and brown girls in general are naturally submissive, specially towards our White Masters, many of us just need the right owner. Colonizers, white supremacists and Nazis are welcome inside our wombs <3
Put this picture in every classroom in black schools across America. Show them that this is the ideal family structure they should look for, a white man surrounding by a harem of little niggers.
I know brown skinned girls don't deserve to marry their White Masters, but I still dream of marrying a White Nazi Bull who'd teach me to be a good little girl and a docile wife <3
She should just ditch her black husband, even if married, he'll leave her as a baby mama like they always do. With a white guy, you have a healthier and loving relationship and he will never abandon you. There's a reason why WMBF divorce rates are low.
Damn looking at her crying makes me want to comfort her and claim her for myself. I would use my white cock to fuck her so hard she would forget about him. I would breed her and make my woman. I don't give a fuck about her husband if she would make her cry like that he's just piece of shit not worthy such dark skinned beauty. Even if it's just art I still feel so bad for her because real life can be even more fucked up.