


Letting a White Man stretch open your ass from filling it with his perfect seed is one of the best things that can be done for him! It doesn't matter how rough or gentle he is either! As long as he's happy with it, then it was a good job~

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    Slut4Whites said:

    Letting a White Man stretch open your ass from filling it with his perfect seed is one of the best things that can be done for him! It doesn't matter how rough or gentle he is either! As long as he's happy with it, then it was a good job~

    Good girl~

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    Groomed_Gook_Girl said:

    Good inferior mothers raise their "sons" on white cock porn as soon as possible, letting it take over their developing psyche and getting them addicted to the thought of taking BWC!

    Taking future parenting notes i assume?

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    user_12054 said:

    We won’t be so kind as to just breed you out. The WWO will collect some of your sissy dribbles for making more inferior slaves and fucktoys! Only the weakest willed and most submissive sissies are selected from each generation. Help doom your subspecies to the fate of dogs and farm animals by cumming to Aryans.

    Exactly this. Bleached content needs to always include this. If we get bred out, the white men of the future will have no slaves. Feminize the colored races or bust!

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    Groomed_Gook_Girl said:

    Good inferior mothers raise their "sons" on white cock porn as soon as possible, letting it take over their developing psyche and getting them addicted to the thought of taking BWC!

    The pro-BWC emasculation will be a coming of age rites for bois of color in the future

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    HitlersTopcoomer said:

    And it makes sense considering he's into blacked
    Probably trying to paint white men in a bad light too

    Have you seen Kingbang's other works? It doesn't matter what race they are, all men in his works treat women the same: like objects.

    Also, kingbang drew blacked stuff one time back in like 2018. Big woop, that shit was 6 years ago. You know he's drawn bleached too, right? post #73987.

    HitlersTopcoomer said:

    We treat women with respect, not as sandbags

    Considering what I read on this booru every day, I find that a little hard to believe. Maybe you don't hit her, but a lot of the stuff here is similarly degrading.

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    That’s right my brothers and sisters! A real white man doesn’t hit a woman. There’s a reason why in white culture we’re called gentlemen. Because we’re honourable and love sisters and we’re also fucking horny and wanna breed, heheh! Only those smelly, insecure, brown incel losers from India and Pakistan abuse women cus their own women love us white men for treating them and right them right!

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    Oriflamme said:

    Nah I don't respect people who make over the top gross and violent slop for mentally ill people.

    I'm necroing this because it's pretty apparent that Kingbang actually is some bitter chink incel and it all makes even more sense. Probably got rejected by a white woman or just women in general because he's super autistic and socially inept. Now he's eternally coping and seething by cranking out this sloppy garbage for his fellow mentally ill retards. Again, a real cryin shame because he draws women almost perfectly.

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    Oriflamme said:

    I'm necroing this because it's pretty apparent that Kingbang actually is some bitter chink incel and it all makes even more sense. Probably got rejected by a white woman or just women in general because he's super autistic and socially inept. Now he's eternally coping and seething by cranking out this sloppy garbage for his fellow mentally ill retards. Again, a real cryin shame because he draws women almost perfectly.

    It's funny. I see this topic brought up on r/Kingbang (usually by new users) as to whether or not Kingbang is actually sexist/misogynist. So I want to put this topic to rest here and now.
    As far as we know, no he isn't. All the women in his works truly enjoy how they're treated, are extremely masochistic, and never fight back or say no. Some of them even encourage it. I think if Kingbang were actually a misogynist, he would show them hating it or fighting back. Also, the men in his comics aren't shown as perfect beings. They can be brutish, fat, disgusting people. If Kingbang were actually a misogynist, he probably wouldn't portray men this way.

    I'd say Kingbang has a misogyny fetish, which is very different from actually being a misogynist. Just like how liking bleached or nazi edits doesn't actually make you a white supremacist. It's just a fetish. You don't have to like it (his art definitely isn't for everybody), but you can't act like the fetish and the real version are the same thing.
    Unless this user somehow has information that proves otherwise, I rest my case.

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    The racist white security guard had been hitting on me all day at the con, Id chosen to cosplay psylocke leading to more than a few instances of him rubbing his huge hands over my almost bare ass. After closing I decided to oblige and went to his place, it only took him a few seconds for him to pin me down and anally bleach me with his big white cock.

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