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TheGooner said:

we got corpos sponsoring porn now? sure, fuck it, whatever man. can't wait to see sombra overwatch get hijacked because she didn't have a subscription for surfshark vpn.

i mean if there's one sponsor who can pull off an ad in a porn animation it's gamersupps. i've seen their products, they very clearly market to horny degenerates.

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    QoHBleachbun said:

    This is my permission to all white men! Come up and grope me all you'd like!~ (not that you should need permission anyway)
    ((If you're some other inferior race and you try it, it's $20 per squeeze))

    I'll be taking advantage of this deal for sure

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    I'd love to have some fun with beauty like her. I want to bleach such hot woman womb so badly and breed her till she gives me lots of mixed babies. I would took great care of her and our family in return for being my obedient good girl

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    I love the look of pure joy she has, not only making him cum, but making him cum buckets. Her cheeks filling up, unable to choke down his seed. Having her ass up because she knows once his done with her mouth, he's moving to fill up her two other holes next.

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    BcEveryoneNeedsAnAlt said:

    Pretty sure lactose intolerance is actually less prevalent in Europe than Asia.

    It will be considering we had to drink milk to survive winter, especially in Northern and Western Europe, so that maybe why our skin is so pale, that and camouflage against snow during the Ice Age

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    Horde said:

    It will be considering we had to drink milk to survive winter, especially in Northern and Western Europe, so that maybe why our skin is so pale, that and camouflage against snow during the Ice Age

    that has nothing to do with our melanin lol, the reason why africans and other darker skinned non-whites are darker in complexion is because they are exposed to the sun more often and for greater intensity thus in simple terms evolutionarily speaking (thousands of years of adaptation is at play), they are more melanated to withstand higher UV radiation and dissipate heat easier, as melanin's main purpose in human skin is to help withstand the negative effects of the sun's radiation. This comes with its own costs though, as they also receive less vitamind D from the sun in colder less sunny regions such as europe and frigid areas, which is vital in many different aspects for the human body, basically without vitamind D they're more likely to be underdeveloped and prone to depression and anxiety in colder less sunny environments without supplementation.

    Drinking milk has next to no impact on whites being white lmao, it's just a good source of fat/protein that we can take and further use from tamed animals. The reason we whites become more pale in colder less sunny environments (think North Europe, Scandanavia etc), yet can also take on a tan or olive complexions (Mediterranean, Australian, American to some degree) is because due to years of adapting to those colder climates and regions where the sun isn't as intense or as present as often, we actually require LESS UV radiation protection in order to receive MORE Vitamin D and other helpful benefits from the little exposure to the sun we get. Resulting often in bigger people's as a result, but also more prone to skin cancers and other malignant diseases due to less UV protection in sunnier hotter regions. We are likely more intelligent due to the fact that we had to PLAN our food reserves for harsh winters, whereas Africans either just hunted/foraged or died. Those of us europeans who survived harsh winters by stocking food and learning ways to preserve and hunt bigger game, went on to have progeny that likely started this trickle effect for a evolutionary pressure to get more intelligent/bigger/better etc. Africans, and many other cultures we're essentially bottlenecked biologically and culturally by relative abundance, we were forced to 'adapt', they stagnated.

    thank you all for coming to my bro science ted talk lol

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    Horde said:

    It will be considering we had to drink milk to survive winter, especially in Northern and Western Europe, so that maybe why our skin is so pale, that and camouflage against snow during the Ice Age

    I know this is a porn site, but this is painfully incorrect. White people have less melanin b/c the UV rays from the sun are less intense in the northern areas we lived in, so instead we let in more sun for the vitamin D. We drink milk more b/c it was a more available food source for us than in Africa or Asia.

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