


Getting this close to a white girl is already a dream come true. Although most wouldn’t ever touch disgusting animals like myself. In my experience the most a while girl ever lets me do is smell their feet but that is extremely rare. They all prefer white men.

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    betavirginindianboy said:

    Getting this close to a white girl is already a dream come true. Although most wouldn’t ever touch disgusting animals like myself. In my experience the most a while girl ever lets me do is smell their feet but that is extremely rare. They all prefer white men.

    You should do the same. Transition. Worship White Men.
    Be a sissyhole for bwc.

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    Chinesenurseslut said:

    That's why we were born to be easily colonized. She's our hero.

    All good gooks like you should know the legendary story of "The Bleaching of Mulan". It's part of why you slopes got to be so inferior <3

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    Imagine getting to reward this loyal warrior who helped bring about the White World Order with some BWC, and filling her womb with your seed so that she may help bring forth the next generation of superior white children.

    She fought to bring the correct order into existence, the least you can do is give her motherhood!

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