I don't know why, maybe its my brain being fucked in the head because of seeing nationplay stuff but.. even with me being mainly russian... the idea of a girl like forcing me or even brainwashing me into being like, an americanized southern belle clad in one of those just seems so... appealing I guess?... idk i'll stop rambling
I don't know why, maybe its my brain being fucked in the head because of seeing nationplay stuff but.. even with me being mainly russian... the idea of a girl like forcing me or even brainwashing me into being like, an americanized southern belle clad in one of those just seems so... appealing I guess?... idk i'll stop rambling
It's cute when women ramble tho, it's clear to me that you like being submissive to other white women from this post at least
The idea of some American take over of europe and scandinavia where they'd take all the aryan and white women as pets and wives, stamping them with the red white and blue before sending them off to the continential US (now connected to a annexed Canada and mexico) to be married off to hung, white american studs, and exporting all the inferior members of their and europe's population off to some massive off shore artifical island work camp or something...
(please ignore my dumb ramblings, i'm just horny TwT)
The idea of some American take over of europe and scandinavia where they'd take all the aryan and white women as pets and wives, stamping them with the red white and blue before sending them off to the continential US (now connected to a annexed Canada and mexico) to be married off to hung, white american studs, and exporting all the inferior members of their and europe's population off to some massive off shore artifical island work camp or something...
So fucking hot, I wanna join the S.S. right away! Being the White man's best friend is such a dream. There's just no contest, WMAF is natural selection.
There's no greater honor for a pretty chink girl than being there to swallow a Nazi's massive white cock after his long day of killing and torturing a bunch of worthless ricedicks.
Nothing feels more powerful than a truly hateful Nazi's cock. Knowing that he's capable of seeing my pathetic, frail, submissive race as truly inferior makes me blush.
I need to shove my giant cervix breaking cock into a tight pussy, forcing my white cock to stretch it until I deliver several superior white-gene kids :3
Seeing black girls being fucked by white men is wonderful, as it demonstrates white dominance over black women, Seeing a black woman giving up and admit that white men are better turns me on so much