Foreign exchange students learning why coming to America was a bad idea for an education. Even the brats on the grades below them put their rice peckers to shame
Thank all those brave white men who made the ultimate sacrifice, making it possible for their great great great grand daughter to finally be fair skinned~
Pharah knows how to spend her summers! No doubt her mother and rest of ladies in Overwatch must have taught her a thing or two. Guess she'll be "protecting" white tourists in Egypt and making them company a lot more often from now on.
Some of the boypocs on here need to understand that every part of us is superior. Not all of you are worthy of tasting your Masters perfect White asshole.
Some of the boypocs on here need to understand that every part of us is superior. Not all of you are worthy of tasting your Masters perfect White asshole.
Thank you for helping me understand sir, i just wish to serve my white Masters in any way they wish of me