She lowkey looks like the type of person to call you a stupid nigger or something like that over voice chat lol
She hunts down only lower raced players and ttrash talk them but whenever a white player is with her, she let hhim kill her as he please while he insult her
Not pictured in the main game of Engage was the great bleaching of Solm, which, besides the inevitable erasure of the dark skins also meant a total undoing of the cringy Queendom system as well a re-structuring of the faith.
Cecile is so me omg! Pictures like that honestly just spark something in me, Especially if itโs some white guy threatening me! Despite that shes suchhh a cutie <3
Finaly, this bitches know the place they belong, ani asian or black women is just a cum dump.. Come to think of it.. I want to know if ani asian or black girl want to be fucked now~