The disgusted face. Every time that a nigger, a redneck or a pisskin ( asian "men" dipshit ) looks to her with cowardly face, she must look back to the untermensch with disgusted face
Ok but like them leggings are good remove the cameltoe causing tightness I'd probably wear them(don't want others to see a DEFINED outline of my cock but like they look great either way
It's not a coincidence that even the greatest samurai to ever exist acknowledges the superiority of Western civilization, as her summer outfit implies. As far as she's concerned, Japan never stood a chance. If anything, she'd become an expert at handling another kind of "katana" in no time!
You know, i know this is an edit, and original was an nigger and shit. but... Why does face looks white? I mean, seriously, the shitty ai almost every blacked-retard uses its always has extremelly 'white' male face generations. Im going to laugh hard if the AI that makes those shitty blacked slop used white man on white woman reference from the internet
You know, i know this is an edit, and original was an nigger and shit. but... Why does face looks white? I mean, seriously, the shitty ai almost every blacked-retard uses its always has extremelly 'white' male face generations. Im going to laugh hard if the AI that makes those shitty blacked slop used white man on white woman reference from the internet
I also think the same thing, like, since when would a black person have straight hair? And his mouth isn't fooling him either, if he were a black man he would have a lip the size of a finger.
You know, i know this is an edit, and original was an nigger and shit. but... Why does face looks white? I mean, seriously, the shitty ai almost every blacked-retard uses its always has extremelly 'white' male face generations. Im going to laugh hard if the AI that makes those shitty blacked slop used white man on white woman reference from the internet
Because it’s literally impossible to animate a character with African facial features without it looking like the classic racist caricature.