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SanskariDoll said:

Dude, I totally agree. It's like heaven...
I'd be so happy to have a white man's cum fill my throat, ruin my makeup and just make me a sloppy mess.

God knows I fantasize about it wayy too much already.

Stop fantasizing, I'm right here you know 💜

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    Horde said:

    Like I said the media seem to hate us as one person I met online who's black mind said it's because you're the men who actually stand up and fight back, why we girls want you deep down. She was with a black guy but admitted even though were the same size (you know what I mean) she'd take me over him, because I'm white plain and simple

    It’s a mixture of many things. The media hates white men or men of European descent due to all kinds of ideologies that intermingle with each other; feminism, communism and their puppeteers and financial backers the Jews who also hate us. Someone else put it simply “They hate us cause they ain’t us.” The main thing linking all of those ideologies isn’t even really the Jews entirely, they are simply a figurehead representative of the main force behind it, that being Envy.

    The Weak (all other races in some fashion) fears and resents the Strong (European men), plain and simple. When you can’t compete on even ground, you resort to what we have now.

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    Horde said:

    For me I've noticed lots of non white women just falling in love with men like me not only because most of the time we're bigger but also because we're actually men. Not woke lil crybabies like Muslims or violent thugs like blacks, were actually nice, kind, mature, sensible loving men who care about and for women. Know I'll sound like a conspiracy theorist here but, I swear that's why the media attack us white men soo much, they know we're the ones women actually want and not these rejects countries like mine let it on mass.

    How are muslims 'woke crybabies' but black people are thugs? Stereotypically it'd be the other way round, no? With all the terrorist groups and stuff muslims do (At least, that's whats most associated with them) vs. Black people mainly working as doctors (at least where I come from)

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    Jtjaest1 said:

    How are muslims 'woke crybabies' but black people are thugs? Stereotypically it'd be the other way round, no? With all the terrorist groups and stuff muslims do (At least, that's whats most associated with them) vs. Black people mainly working as doctors (at least where I come from)

    Not here they're not not in the UK lol, too busy running around London stabbing people and no that's the truth not me just being all well this is so I'll say it because it's, nope that's the actual truth, they're all stabbing people and each other or burning down 10% of America for BLM including black owned businesses, what a way to support your own people huh, not only are they actually racist but morons and thugs too. Ask any black girl in the western world and they'll effectively prefer white men as we're not savage barbarians unlike them.

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    Jtjaest1 said:

    How are muslims 'woke crybabies' but black people are thugs? Stereotypically it'd be the other way round, no? With all the terrorist groups and stuff muslims do (At least, that's whats most associated with them) vs. Black people mainly working as doctors (at least where I come from)

    Also yeah Muslims are literally crybabies whenever you criticise Islam they're utterly pathetic lol. I'm atheist but I never see Hindus or Christians or Jews get so mad they threaten to kill you for saying mean things about a guy, Muhammad who MARRIED A 9 YO!!! Yeah, he did that! Fair enough people in medieval Europe would marry at say 12 or 13 because we didn't live as long back then but 9!? Wtaf! That's ridiculous even back then that was horrible. But yeah point out many of the BS in the Quran and you'll quickly see why I said crybabies lol

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    Horde said:

    Also yeah Muslims are literally crybabies whenever you criticise Islam they're utterly pathetic lol. I'm atheist but I never see Hindus or Christians or Jews get so mad they threaten to kill you for saying mean things about a guy, Muhammad who MARRIED A 9 YO!!! Yeah, he did that! Fair enough people in medieval Europe would marry at say 12 or 13 because we didn't live as long back then but 9!? Wtaf! That's ridiculous even back then that was horrible. But yeah point out many of the BS in the Quran and you'll quickly see why I said crybabies lol

    She was actually 6 when they got married and 9 when they consummated it.

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