


Chink_Bleacher said:

Nice to finally see this cheernigger getting some white in her.

LOL I don't know why but I immediately heard "Who's that Pokemon!?" when i read Cheernigger (maybe because it sounds a little like Charmander)

WHITE MAN used BWC against CHEERNIGGER. It's super effective!

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    Colonizer_God said:

    Marry that? Nah. Slant bitches are for colonizing, seeding, and enslaving. In just about that order. No way any self-respecting white man gives inferior sluts like that the dignity of marriage.

    Colonizer_God said:

    Marry that? Nah. Slant bitches are for colonizing, seeding, and enslaving. In just about that order. No way any self-respecting white man gives inferior sluts like that the dignity of marriage.

    Marry her so that she can show off her ring to every single Asian boi she meets as they cry because it'll have a Queen of Hearts on it

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    ShiroiYoukai said:

    This is a caption I made involving a small idea I had while the Booru was down.
    I might make more within this same "world", if there's an appetite for it.

    A very interesting world!

    Honestly, makes me think they can even program these reenacting criminals into climaxing as they die~

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    Imitation is the greatest form of flattery! Seeing all those tattoos cover my skin, all in devotion to my superiors, it's a permanent reminder of who I truly belong to. I might claim to hate it, but we both know that's not the truth. No one who truly hates it would go through all that effort~ 🤍

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