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Why kill blacks? I find it a FAR more fun idea to cut off their dicks so they can no longer reproduce then psychologically torture them by breeding in front of them~ That way they eventually die off as the last generation, but slowly without a chance to do anything about it.

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    Ryuxjin said:

    Why kill blacks? I find it a FAR more fun idea to cut off their dicks so they can no longer reproduce then psychologically torture them by breeding in front of them~ That way they eventually die off as the last generation, but slowly without a chance to do anything about it.

    Pure and delightfully genius.

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    Ryuxjin said:

    Why kill blacks? I find it a FAR more fun idea to cut off their dicks so they can no longer reproduce then psychologically torture them by breeding in front of them~ That way they eventually die off as the last generation, but slowly without a chance to do anything about it.

    fuck thats sooo hot!! hope that taht would happen to me and all teh woman in my life!!

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    TexanSlaveOwner said:

    Kill all the nigger males, enslave the congo cunts, beat them, erase your pathetic shit dna, Then hang you for fun like you fucking deserve.

    fuck yes!! as a nigger i can only approve of this!! keep a few alive to keep producing slaves and get rid of the rest!!

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    Kakuminhi said:

    Genuinely, I wish I was her, Iโ€™d love to offer a few extra points on a test like this.

    +30 minutes of fucking = 3 extra points
    1 shota orgasm = 1 extra point
    1 teacher orgasm = 2 extra points
    (if the teacher happens to pass out because of over fucking, the student will receive A+ for the entire year)

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    The fact that you prefer white men proves you aren't stupid or retarded, but you will be by the time we're all done with you for the day.
    How'd you like to be tied up in the middle of the office for us to use as a community fleshlight/milk dispenser? Would you like that sweetheart? If you don't already we'll get Whites Only tattooed across your thighs and ass to serve as your work attire along with a collar and leash.

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