



Hrafn said:

There's a pinned thread on the forum with an extensive tattoo archive. As for programs, most half-decent image editors will do but Photoshop and Gimp are usual favorites.

Wow! Thanks Hrafn! Now i happy~

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    Nordic_redhaired_Bvll said:

    The elites don't want you to know this but if you are white the strippers at the strip club are free. You just need to knock them up and take em home. I have about 1488 former strippers turned bleached housewifes at home

    oddly specific

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    manoverwoman said:

    All of society needs to learn from Aryan girls like her! White is right! She is so hot~! A perfect Aryan woman to breed the next generation of Aryan kids!

    Always up to chat, hit me up.

    She truly is perfection isn't she?

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