

Date Uploader sneed123 Rating Explicit

Cinnamon_QOH said:

Someone give the poor woman a gun and just let her shoot them instead

While a more efficient way to do it, the whole scenario is built on the idea that she gets a boatload of more minority boys to volunteer for castration specifically because her quirk allows her to do it in a way that lets them experience a pussy for the first and last time in the process. She hates it because who the hell would ever want a nigger near their pussy, but she does it anyway because in the long run it ensures they're purged from the genepool faster.

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    NigBreaker said:

    While a more efficient way to do it, the whole scenario is built on the idea that she gets a boatload of more minority boys to volunteer for castration specifically because her quirk allows her to do it in a way that lets them experience a pussy for the first and last time in the process. She hates it because who the hell would ever want a nigger near their pussy, but she does it anyway because in the long run it ensures they're purged from the genepool faster.

    Eww this like a horror story for girls lmao

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  • Date Uploader Hello Zepp Rating General
    Date Uploader yomihara-exec Rating Explicit
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    This fat cow titted whore needs her country turned into a radioactive crater. I bet if you were fucking her whilst the bombs dropped, she would cum as hard as possible the moment the nukes incincerate every city shes ever known~

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