


arcaneNecromancer said:

I wish this was canon

What makes you think it isn't behind the scenes?
You really think a nigger's baby dick would be enough for a tough white chick like Gwen?
Just look at her, she's basically the epitome of a strong, pure aryan woman, she just needs a little nudge from a real man to realize it.

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    ftcimtla said:

    Not sure why people are saying all this stuff, she's canonically bisexual, not a lesbian lol

    It's just porn, not that deep. I'm sure most of the guys here love seeing dykes get bleached cuz it's taboo and not because they actually hate them lmao

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    Earlybird said:

    I like censored bleached porn, theres so little out there that its always a treat when they're created.

    Yesss, seeing brown cunts like her cumming on fat BWC is a privelege that only whites get to see~

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    No better white privilege than introducing a shitskinned nigger cow the mind-raping sensation of my big white cock bulging her stomach out. Gonna colonize, enslave and pack Karin full of my white babies. I'll fix this niggerslut one cumshot at a time.

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