My pets love acknowledging how they're prey animals to be hunted and taken by me. It's honestly adorable watch them say such things leaking all that cum 💜
Bleachers, which term do you prefer more? Aryan or White? Please respond below.
Depends on the context imo, Aryan is a term of respect, so I find it hot in "professional" settings, while White is more endearing or casual. Kinda like Father Vs. Dad.
There's a pinned thread on the forum with an extensive tattoo archive. As for programs, most half-decent image editors will do but Photoshop and Gimp are usual favorites.
There's a pinned thread on the forum with an extensive tattoo archive. As for programs, most half-decent image editors will do but Photoshop and Gimp are usual favorites.
The elites don't want you to know this but if you are white the strippers at the strip club are free. You just need to knock them up and take em home. I have about 1488 former strippers turned bleached housewifes at home
The elites don't want you to know this but if you are white the strippers at the strip club are free. You just need to knock them up and take em home. I have about 1488 former strippers turned bleached housewifes at home
Well based upon your comment history, I'd say your taste is equally so. But thanks for not giving me with the same morality garbage spam you were! I feel honored :)
Love the bullet tally as always. A young blonde chick who's already cleansed the world of three hundred subhumans? How could any man resist rewarding her with some BWC?
I'd kill anyone and as many as commanded, I hope and wish for my reward though too. Still, it's up to my superiors what I get and when, I just do as I'm told like a good girl.