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Colonized_Asian_Slut said:

Any inferior race would go crazy with a big white cock pressed against our face like that ♡ it's a completely normal instinct for us~

Exactly! We just feel a need to open our mouths and obey our masters

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    *We’ve been together for a year now but she said she wants to wait until marriage so I’ve never seen her naked so I had no idea she had these tattoos. I get home after a long hard day at work and I see this.*
    Me: “Mirko?!”
    Mirko: “Shut your small dick nigger ass up and sit down in that chair before I stomp your nuts out and kick your head off. You know how strong I am, you nigger cuck.”
    *I sit down and watch them fuck for hours and once they finish, she tells me she never loved me and kills me anyways and lives happily with her white lover.*

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