


Seems like her mother wanted her daughter to learn the truth very early on in life if she made her little girl wear that outfit, it’s no wonder that the first white man they walk by on the street went ahead and began plowing that colored kiddy’s cunt with reckless abandon!

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    Lolirape said:

    What really happens when a little niglet chimp fights white men. Little more than a tight cumrag

    A portable and easy to handle underage cumdumpster, that's all an inferior ebony Loli white is good for: To warm up fat adult white cocks, and to be used like a tight cock sock

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    id she was gonna join our colony; i was gonna take her as a personal rapeslave~ her cuck colored boyfriend was taken, bound and left on a pole outside our compound until he was torn apart- all the while her screams of ectasy rang out from the walls above, being forced to watch as i pumped my bastard half white kids into her womb


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    Whitebull0 said:

    id she was gonna join our colony; i was gonna take her as a personal rapeslave~ her cuck colored boyfriend was taken, bound and left on a pole outside our compound until he was torn apart- all the while her screams of ectasy rang out from the walls above, being forced to watch as i pumped my bastard half white kids into her womb

    Make sure it’s only mixed race daughters you have and you marry them off to white men so the bleaching continues. Abort mixed race sons.


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