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black-femboy-blanchie said:

t'inquiètes pas , il y en aura de plus en plus car la BWC mérite d'etre aimer par tout le monde !! femmes femboys de toutes races !!

Je compte sur toi pour que ça arrive.
I counting on you for that happen.

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    After planning a successful tour and getting fans and nigger losers to spend their pathetic life savings just to see them live, the manager organizes a get-together to celebrate with his famous pop stars.

    Using some of the money generated from the shows, the manager rents a luxurious hotel room and the girls arrange to give their manager the most exclusive “Meet & Greet” that any of his fans would kill for.

    Their nigger fans find themselves masturbating only with an autographed picture of them and with the negative balance in their bank accounts after having attended the show and meanwhile the manager enjoys pure pleasure where they are at the service of his huge white cock 🤍

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