Imagine working your ass off for months as some whipped sailor, with nothing but what you need to live and the stink of 50 other men. Then after what feels like a endless voyage of greyish blue skies and sea, you dock..... onto land your race has almost never seen before. What you see for the next few weeks could only be imagined by people who can read records. Everything about the people you meet is either new or ancient, and the women have a beauty that even your advanced kingdom back home could never replicate. They're born from another world entirely, and if you're lucky a piece of that world shares a similar adventurous spirit. You are their irreplicable beauty, and your ship is their gateway.
The corporation you work for needs ambassadors, people willing to learn more about this new world and what it's people value. You've already managed to secure this land's most priceless treasure for yourself, but is the land securing you? Who really is the explorer and who is the prize? The boat you arrived on is leaving in days; make your choice.
This is the kind of colonisation us whites should never have stopped doing. Spreading our knowledge, our religion, our seed, everything. Just improving the lives of the world in a true WWO~
Biggest mistake Bethesda and Todd made with Skyrim: not being able to marry and breed the vampire girl. Also thank Krekk0v for giving us extra busty Serana.
Reminds me of my last relationship where my ex was able to convince her twin to join us once. She was also shocked on how big white cock could be before my ex helped me fuck her tits~ The sight of two ebony twins sharing my cock was the dream~
Why are they adding a 10 year old Kid Gwen Tennyson with a young adults/teenager from Marvel and Dc comics who don't share the same age or size either? This is pedophilia. Raven is the only mature one just like she looked in their 2003 TV show, Raven is 16-18 years old, she's older, and this kid Gwen Tennyson is a 10 years old child, she It's a minor. both aren't the same age or size neither!! both aren't the same universe, both aren't related!! Whoever created this is contradicting the sizes and details of these characters, and it is contradicting the maturity of Gwen Tennyson, this Gwen in the pic is not mature, she is a minor! Gwen Tennyson already has a mature version and she's in Ben 10 Alien Force, why didn't they draw the teen version of her with Raven? She is the one who shares the same age and size with her. Not with 10-year-old Kid Gwen Tennyson. this is bad. Raven is not a lesbian, neither of them are. Gwen Tennyson already has a boyfriend and his name is Kevin Levin if you haven't seen the episodes or her later series. If you like to add Raven with a girl, why didn't you draw her with Teen Gwen from Ben 10 Alien force, zatanna from dc superhero girls, mavis dracula or with spider Gwen from Across the SpiderVerse? With this kid Gwen Tennyson doesn't make sense, this doesn't make sense.
woah this is crazy i'm losing my mind brah how could they do this
Mother and daughter getting pregnant by the same white cock together, then having to raise their kids at the same time while still worshipping their white master~ Sounds so fun <3
such a shame i wasn't given treatment like this when i was younger, getting my young fertile womb blessed by a white man’s seed right alongside my mom <3