I wanna fill up a Spanish speaking womb and never let her teach our kids Spanish. Let the language die out as their races is bleached away a little more each generation 💜
I wanna fill up a Spanish speaking womb and never let her teach our kids Spanish. Let the language die out as their races is bleached away a little more each generation 💜
fun fact: Mexico nowadays is more white than the US
For someone who has remained undefeated for so long, this must be an enlightening experience. You can tell just by looking at her eyes that she'll be losing more often from now on! Figures, there's only one type of 'lance' that would be able to bring her to her knees.
i wish that was me sucking that beautiful white cock~ push my head down and give me a throat pie pls :3 teach me how to properly use my black throat and please the superior race sir~
i wish that was me sucking that beautiful white cock~ push my head down and give me a throat pie pls :3 teach me how to properly use my black throat and please the superior race sir~
toutes les reines de coeurs , meme les négresses comme moi , devraient s'inspirer de cette belle créature à la peau porcelaine
Ofcourse. All non white Queens of hearts could learn a thing or two from your superiors. Maybe if you are lucky your blood Line will produce another porcelain skinned goddess like her
Ofcourse. All non white Queens of hearts could learn a thing or two from your superiors. Maybe if you are lucky your blood Line will produce another porcelain skinned goddess like her
on va unir nos forces, nous les reines de coeur pour hisser le male blanc alpha au sommet une fois pour toute , et pour blanchir l'humanité et qu'il n'y ai plus aucune comparaison avec les hommes non-blancs qui seront inférieurs bien sur
Thats basically how it's gone for me too these last few years (Insert that spiderman pointing at spiderman meme)
I think a lot of inferiors share the same path that led them here. You start of light by preffering bwc and then it spirals down to a point where you get aroused by being called a curry nigger or desi monkey ;-;
I think a lot of inferiors share the same path that led them here. You start of light by preffering bwc and then it spirals down to a point where you get aroused by being called a curry nigger or desi monkey ;-;
Not an inferior like you, I just also had the same path of going from "racism bad" to jacking off to all the white addicted niggers, gooks, and currysluts~
Not an inferior like you, I just also had the same path of going from "racism bad" to jacking off to all the white addicted niggers, gooks, and currysluts~
All WHITES are welcome to Mexico You can come and breed "our" women The hottest bitches are reserved for you Please make babies and convert this shitty third world country in a pure WHITE nation
What should've happened under Spain up for the anglos to finish the job