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obedientgirlie said:

Easiest way to communicate with white studs

It's hotter when you don't need to talk to show what a slut you are for bwc anyway, not like I'd bother with conversation anyway when bending you over and taking you right there is easier

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    FGOismyreligion said:

    Shy girls who just show off their desire to be bred white are so cute, makes me wanna hug tight while time pushing semen past their cervix impregnating them

    That sounds fantastic, but real men don't need to act romantic with me, you guys can treat me like the bitch I am, I know my place~

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    ShyAndBehaved said:

    That sounds fantastic, but real men don't need to act romantic with me, you guys can treat me like the bitch I am, I know my place~

    And that's why you'll always have the taste of my cum in your tongue and my red hand print on your ass~

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    Chink_Bleacher said:

    Time for chinke to dropout of school and become a dedicated WWO cumdump

    Nah she has to get educated enough so she can fulfil her dreams as a local town cop. She's gotta help enforce the WWO and spread white male immigration to her town.

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    This is what we should do with all the dumb nigger women at the warehouse where I work since they are so fucking lazy and useless. I think we should set them up in the bathroom hanging out of a section of the wall and have a free communal place to dump cum when the day gets hard.

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