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BornToBreed said:

Haha, I remember this.
This came about when some Hispanic LARPer, called The Hellenist, said this word-for-word on social media.

Brown boys should learn to stop talking against their betters and learn to enjoy them instead~

It actually has its origins in Ancient Greece, if I recall correctly! (Hence why the LARPer was named the “Hellenist”!) A small penis was viewed as a sign of intelligence and modesty in Ancient Greek society, while a large cock was perceived as a symbol of barbarism and brute strength. It’s also why many Ancient Greek statues have small penises!

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    LoveIvory said:

    One can only hope

    Sammyyi said:

    The blue eyes indicate that her father is a White Man and her mother, just like herself, is a bleach bunny.

    Well but wasnt her mother kidnapped many years ago? This mean katara get a half sibling

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    Nigers are truly most subhuman vile cockroaches and scum of existence but their woman can get a pass into white society if they learn to worship and satisfy BWC and their racist white owners then they can enjoy the luxuries of white societies

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    My maid heard my husband saying extremely racist things and now she can't stop asking me how good he is at sex, to make matters worse I told her he is amazing at sex, Since then she always locks herself with him in the room and they stay there for hours, when I ask what they are doing she says they are cleaning the room, but I don't understand why the room is still messy when they leave there

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    Nordic_redhaired_Bvll said:

    Saying "I love you" while locking eyes in missionary hits hard, impregnating someone while you tell them how much you love them in missionary goes harder

    The best feeling in the world, it's like your heart melts your mind goes blank and your whole body shivers

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