


LowIQNiggerFemboy said:

And with that research Dr. Martinez confirmed the aryan superiority and then the slavery was restored and extended for all the non-whites
One year after the white race made great technological, scientific and social advances

Finally subjecting niggers, chinks, wetbacks, beaners, kikes, faggots, trannies and the rest of the mongrels to their rightful place. We will be generous and let them exist in zoos and exotic brothels, as a reminder of the filth that used to walk our planet.

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    LowIQNiggerFemboy said:

    And with that research Dr. Martinez confirmed the aryan superiority and then the slavery was restored and extended for all the non-whites
    One year after the white race made great technological, scientific and social advances

    LoliNiggerFuta said:

    Finally subjecting niggers, chinks, wetbacks, beaners, kikes, faggots, trannies and the rest of the mongrels to their rightful place. We will be generous and let them exist in zoos and exotic brothels, as a reminder of the filth that used to walk our planet.

    What a dream~~

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    LowIQNiggerFemboy said:

    And with that research Dr. Martinez confirmed the aryan superiority and then the slavery was restored and extended for all the non-whites
    One year after the white race made great technological, scientific and social advances

    bmamba859 said:

    What a dream~~

    You two definitely need a BWC BULL to fuck you both and drink a full glass of white man cumsludge.

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    ownedniggerfag said:

    It’s not often that you see a goth nigger, even though its pretty cool when you do

    True, I used to not like niggers in goth clothes but its honestly grown on me, obviously not as good as gothic aryans but still good

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