


she said she was ruined for your cuck fathers tiny cock, and she wanted to invite your beloved girlfriend over next time for a three way~ guess youll have to stay a virgin as i give you a half white sibling and ruin your tight girlfriend for your tiny black dick~

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    BornToBreed said:

    Haha, I remember this.
    This came about when some Hispanic LARPer, called The Hellenist, said this word-for-word on social media.

    Brown boys should learn to stop talking against their betters and learn to enjoy them instead~

    It actually has its origins in Ancient Greece, if I recall correctly! (Hence why the LARPer was named the โ€œHellenistโ€!) A small penis was viewed as a sign of intelligence and modesty in Ancient Greek society, while a large cock was perceived as a symbol of barbarism and brute strength. Itโ€™s also why many Ancient Greek statues have small penises!

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