


WholesomeInspector said:

how does justice kill if sheโ€™s blind tho

Her other senses works fine.

The idea of Daredevil was based of other blind people who are able to go through daily life relatively normally.

Just google blind person playing basketball, soccer, video games, etc... You'll see that there are ways in life to make do without vision.

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    Hmmm? Why is this important..? eugh... Leave it to the nigger to ask annoying questions... I decide the material I'm afraid, young man, I... 'discussed' this lesson plan with the comman- the principal in her office.

    Can you give it a rest already young man? There's nothing wrong with teaching biology and racial ethics~ Right. Class? My... It seems you're rather outnumbered on your stance~ Everyone else here doesn't mind my class at all~

    Well I suppose I do supervise their special 'after school clubs~' Isn't that right, boys? I'm your busty commander, right~ Hehe Fuck... Put that fat white dick away young man... Its making me horny~ And you know I get... Unwise, when I get horny~

    Ah-! You boys too~ Fuck... So many... Hard white... Nazi dicks~ Fuck! Principal can handle one missing person report I'm sure! Fuck him up! Hnnnggg! Fuck I cant stop playing with myself~ You should've just stayed quiet, you annoying lil NIGGER! Shit! Cumming!

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    My my... What a strapping group of adventurers you boys are~ I must say, having you hold back my armies at the the bridge to the capital was rather... Upsetting, and hearing the reports about how you infiltrated the castle gave me quite the headache. But seeing you boys here, in my throne room... Frankly I struggle to stay mad at some misguided young men like you~

    Stop the invasion? Now why on earth would I do that? I've been planning this for yours, a few boys who act before they think arent gonna stop me! *With a snap of the queen's fingers vines rise from the ground, binding the adventurers*
    You poor things... you look confused~ Let me explain. See this symbol, right here on my fat mommy milker? I found it decades ago~ It's an ancient sign used in occult rituals, lending incredible power to the whites~

    Hnnng... You look rather cute when struggling~ I know you'd think you can all beat me with the power of friendship or whatnot, but luckily the real world is rarely ever that simple. I have an entire race to protect, that includes you darlings, and until I secure the dominion of the whites, I'm afraid I simply cannot afford to lose to petty reasons of revenge over some backwater village...

    Now that I think about it... You must've beaten my elite guards to get here? My... Thats quite the pickle... It'd only be right foe you boys to take their place, wouldn't you agree? No? Well, I can be, very, persuasive, just give me a bit of time~

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    Oh~ Hehe~ Hello mister commander~ *A respectful bow~* My... Whites are muscular, true but you're something else entirely~ Hnng~ You're making my robot-idol pussy wet Already~

    I'll get right down to business~ Me and my agency have been looking to rebrand for months, if not years, now and we believe a mature, more bleached approach for my career is just the angle I need~ Hehe~ So... I'll use my audience to spread the word of white cocks~ The sexual and physical superiority of white men~ Make alllll those little chinkboys surrender to you~

    In turn, I want to be in charge of... Entertaining, your soldiers, both with my music, and with my body~ Hehe~ I saw that twitch commander~ Please, help yourself to my tits if you so desire~ I can make them bigger~ Artificial lifeform after all~

    Ohhh~ What a pretty cock~ Do my tits feel good? Hehe~ Good boy~ my I wonder what will happen if I where to whisper... 'Sieg heil...' hehe~ so much pre~
    So, what do you say, master?

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