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Should have known my white bully and rapist's desire to "make peace" with me for all the years of bullying and sexual harassment for being a "snow-chink" and "big booty fagmonkey" was just so he could get access to my mom. We live isolated in the Nordic forests, so he could slamrape her as hard as he wanted to... and she could scream and howl and moan as much as she wanted to.

Now the bullying has gotten ten times worse at school... except now I can't even be relieved to go home anymore, for that's when the abuse gets *worse*, as my "White Stepdaddy" makes me and mom stack our giant fat asses for him on the dinner table so he can let loose all his "pent up aggression from having to deal with a gook-loser all day at school".

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    ynk said:

    Wanna bet she won't use any kind of ruler for the measuremenrs but she'll be very "handy"??
    And she'll mess them up so Adrien will have to come back again. But she'll better taker of that BWC every single time

    No, you're right, she'd definitely cup his balls and grope his butt, and cock... like a lady doctor.

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    Bleach her son, too. He looks like he wants that BWC inside him. Actually, he deserves it anyway. If you turn male nigglets gay, they'll be more interested in cock and ass than in pussy—especially white pussy. Plus, there's the situational benefits. Can't find a fuckable coon woman or girl? Settle for a pretty coon boy. Have a hopelessly queer son? Get him a little jungle fag to play with.

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