being a part of hitlerjugend is a free breeding pass in and of itself honestly ^_^ (extra-violent members get to nut inside, spreading their strong, aggressive aryan genes <3)
This is going to be the fate of all shit skins. They'll try to brag about their BBC's, but in reality, they'll just be caged while us whites get some nice bitches.
It's simply the truth~ I don't understand why every fucking nigger doesn't just do the job themselves, why would anyone want to live such a pathetic life, knowing you're sub-human trash?
Ever since I was young I knew my only purpose in life is to serve as a living fleshlight for white men to abuse as much as they wants~ Molesting me all day long without caring about all the damage they'll do to my little chink holes <3
Girls like Monika should always get rewarded. Show off how pathetic a black boi really is, show that blacks are nothing more than dogs who need to be caged. I'll reward her with my white cock, and girls like Monika.