


Бля, как же сука хорошо видеть базу БЛ на бличбору, ну рили, аж улыбка появляется. А то сука, я готова в еблет дать пидорасу который Алису/Славю в уродливые blacked арты сувают

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    UsernamesAreOutdated said:

    Бля, как же сука хорошо видеть базу БЛ на бличбору, ну рили, аж улыбка появляется. А то сука, я готова в еблет дать пидорасу который Алису/Славю в уродливые blacked арты сувают

    Как же круто, что здесь открыли эту игру. Надеюсь теперь здесь будет больше таких артов.

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    AryanSuperSoldier said:

    I take it this series or girl is Slavic? I don’t speak it, but she’s hot so cool pic

    Yes, she's a Slav, I'm surprised you don't know which visual novel this girl is from, because at some time this visual novel was popular.

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    UsernamesAreOutdated said:

    Бля, как же сука хорошо видеть базу БЛ на бличбору, ну рили, аж улыбка появляется. А то сука, я готова в еблет дать пидорасу который Алису/Славю в уродливые blacked арты сувают

    вот русских я вообще не ожидал здесь встретить

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    I don't know why I get so *racist* when I'm horny, but the thought of dead niggers has me so fucking wet! Black lives never mattered, and it's so funny how insecure the BLM movement has made niggers in general. They can't go five minutes without reminding each other that they're slaves. They're addicted to feeling inferior.

    Black lives matter less than cattle because we don't torment ordinary animals when we slaughter them. Black lives were created to serve and entertain the white race. It's normal to get hard at the thought of killing niggers because that's the God given duty of white men. The sooner every last one of those apes is either enslaved or in hell, the sooner the world will be a much better, safer, whiter place.

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    When raped by a White Man, it's best to think about what you've done wrong to make him angry, as well as what you can do for satisfying him as an apology!~ Becoming his chained up rapeslave is one of the best ways to do that!~

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    alexander said:

    I remember a hentaicaption with this picture, it was really hot but i think it was deleted since i haven't seen it in a couple years now and i didn't download it like a dumbass

    I think I know which one you're talking about, sadly the guy who made it was banned and his stuff deleted with it.

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    As soon as she saw us, she immediately kneeled down and begged to be allowed to worship us ~ even famous asian girls like her are just worthless bwc-addicted chinks, craving to be claimed and praised by white men for serving them ~

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