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KingVirziontheBWCbull said:

If he lost then why are still butthurt about him 80 years later huh little faggot? Hitler is immortal there is no killing him. His legacy will live on for eternity even beyond your worthless shitty life.


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    Weirddudde said:

    This isn't even porn. Might as well just go to 4chan if all you want is Nazi shit

    certifiedsafemboy said:

    He sold Germany out to the bourgeoisie. That was his mistake: he didn't socialize them, but merely collaborated with him. Even worse was the fact that he went back on his word:

    "You just tell the German bourgeoisie that I shall be finished with them far quicker than I shall with Marxism... When once the conservative forces in Germany realize that only I and my party can win the German proletariat over to the State and that no parliamentary games can be played with Marxist parties, then Germany will be saved for all time, then we can found a German Peoples State."

    "The bourgeoisie rules by intrigue, but it can have no foothold in my movement because we accept no Jews or Jewish accomplices into our Party."

    I shouldn't need to tell you about how he often appointed the bourgeoisie to high ranks within his administration.

    kys commie

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    FretfulShark said:

    Apparently she was always light-skinned and you can see that in the manga covers, changing her skin tone was a decision from the anime staff . But I'm not gonna disagree with you guys, dark-skinned Robin is beautiful.

    It was an animation error

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    TheGooner said:

    we got corpos sponsoring porn now? sure, fuck it, whatever man. can't wait to see sombra overwatch get hijacked because she didn't have a subscription for surfshark vpn.

    i mean if there's one sponsor who can pull off an ad in a porn animation it's gamersupps. i've seen their products, they very clearly market to horny degenerates.

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    This is a hot game over screen when my Rival beats me in pokemon. Like your dreams of beating the league are dumpstered and you become a bitch for the real, superior trainer who'll become champion while you watch.

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    Yasmin said:

    This is a hot game over screen when my Rival beats me in pokemon. Like your dreams of beating the league are dumpstered and you become a bitch for the real, superior trainer who'll become champion while you watch.

    There'd be no female trainers then, there would only be breeding cows.

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