


I need a hot white woman to dominate me and tell me my husband is hers, I need her to make me watch as she fucks him night after night and make me lick her foot and, And that still has the will to have sex with me after having sex with him.

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    I wish my husband would just bring a woman like that home and suddenly kiss her in front of me and take her to our bedroom, I wanted to watch as they fuck on our bed, I wanted to spend the night listening to her moans and hear her say intimate things as if she were his wife, I would even bring them snacks in bed so they wouldn't stop having fun.

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    BiWhiteBreeder said:

    The neck would make a better handhold, but it seems he's being nice today.

    I think the mouth is the best, not only can't we speak while getting our cervix broken but on top of that you lube up the fingers for a nice fisting/fingering session ;))

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    LatinaOfHearts said:

    I'd rather fuck a Ashkenazi than a nigger or spic that's for sure

    He was talking about the fact that "jewishness" is passed thru the mothers line. So even if u knock her up and have a "white" kid they are still a part of the tribe, spiritually and by blood.

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    sweet_p_daddy said:

    He was talking about the fact that "jewishness" is passed thru the mothers line. So even if u knock her up and have a "white" kid they are still a part of the tribe, spiritually and by blood.

    Yeah I know but I was talking in the sense that if I was a white man I'd prefer having a kid (half white half jew) that then later on either converts to Catholicism or marries a white partner (or both) and inherits a fuck ton of money instead of say, a hapa, mulatto or latino mutt that ends up with nothing y'know? Be smart and cum in her jewy cunt

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    LatinaOfHearts said:

    Yeah I know but I was talking in the sense that if I was a white man I'd prefer having a kid (half white half jew) that then later on either converts to Catholicism or marries a white partner (or both) and inherits a fuck ton of money instead of say, a hapa, mulatto or latino mutt that ends up with nothing y'know? Be smart and cum in her jewy cunt

    Nah bro Catholicism sucks, Paganism is the way cause Pagan bitches have the best drug stash you will ever see

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