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BiWhiteBreeder said:

The neck would make a better handhold, but it seems he's being nice today.

I think the mouth is the best, not only can't we speak while getting our cervix broken but on top of that you lube up the fingers for a nice fisting/fingering session ;))

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    LatinaOfHearts said:

    I'd rather fuck a Ashkenazi than a nigger or spic that's for sure

    He was talking about the fact that "jewishness" is passed thru the mothers line. So even if u knock her up and have a "white" kid they are still a part of the tribe, spiritually and by blood.

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    sweet_p_daddy said:

    He was talking about the fact that "jewishness" is passed thru the mothers line. So even if u knock her up and have a "white" kid they are still a part of the tribe, spiritually and by blood.

    Yeah I know but I was talking in the sense that if I was a white man I'd prefer having a kid (half white half jew) that then later on either converts to Catholicism or marries a white partner (or both) and inherits a fuck ton of money instead of say, a hapa, mulatto or latino mutt that ends up with nothing y'know? Be smart and cum in her jewy cunt

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    LatinaOfHearts said:

    Yeah I know but I was talking in the sense that if I was a white man I'd prefer having a kid (half white half jew) that then later on either converts to Catholicism or marries a white partner (or both) and inherits a fuck ton of money instead of say, a hapa, mulatto or latino mutt that ends up with nothing y'know? Be smart and cum in her jewy cunt

    Nah bro Catholicism sucks, Paganism is the way cause Pagan bitches have the best drug stash you will ever see

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    InferiorBlackCuck said:

    Fuck man!! i want a someone to take my little nigger grils and make them submit to a big white Nazi cock!!!+

    I'll help them learn the truth if you want, they might not be able to handle it well, but that's their problem. Nothing that more devotion, time and practice on my cock can't fix.

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    LittleAfrican said:

    Take me away from my worthless mother, She doesn't know how to properly raise a little nigger, Has me reading books instead of on my knees throating my Aryan teachers.

    Teaching girls the only lessons that "really" matter, is my specialty.

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    I love bringing innocent nigger girls for my husband to turn into a white cock loving slut while I teach her about how inferior she is and why she has to serve me. Is so easy to do it to black girls, they are so dumb and weak

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    kit.bella said:

    white cock corrupting a leftie into being a nazi is so hott tho its even better with irl people because it could actually happen :3

    true~♡ corrupting a lefite that was rioting with the blm niggers in 2020 and making them vote for trump 2024 is so hott,,

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    Every Russian girl once Nazis conquered their country. Now they are proud supporters of Nazism as the inferior Slavs they are made to serve Aryan Nordic masters as slaves. Sexy and busty Slavic bitches make the perfect breeding cow for us Viking warriors!

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    HungWhiteFembull said:

    Sorry cuckies, white supremacy is real!~ You niggers and chinks reading this can go hang yourselves if you're that salty we keep stealing your girls, LOL~

    THIS! This is what im talking about! peak human specimen right here, 10/10 human, would marry <3

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    Japan should be offering virile white men a place with a complimentary Bleached Miku to keep around. I mean with all those unsatisfied gook women waiting around, shouldn't be too hard to forcibly turn a few dozen-hundred or so into walking Mikus.

    f they're gonna let their population sink they should be incentivizing real men to come and fix it, with some better genes in the mix.

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    Miku loved singing from an early age, thanks to her passion for singing, she became a world-famous singer, but she also always wanted a family, wanted children and a caring and kind husband, but not a single Asian man was suitable for her, she never intended to look for a husband among black men, because everyone in Japan knew that black men are nothing more than monkeys without fur, which is why she has always sought only a white man for her husband. That's why Mika got numerous tattoos on her body related to the superiority of the white race and went outside looking for a white man who could become her future husband and protect her from all those idiots who are against her views on life and against the white race!

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    tailsnashebanned said:

    I open debate, blue or red tattoos?

    Honestly I feel like it depends on not only the situation (lighting, background, environment etc.) but also what position the subject is in and what they're doing. Personally I usually prefer red tattoos but sometimes blue tats just look better

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    tailsnashebanned said:

    I open debate, blue or red tattoos?

    In this case, blue, because it is the color of this character, which can be seen in the example of her costume from the anime, if we talk in general, then it is worth adopting the same principle, making tattoos of the same color as the color of the character, if the color for some reason is not suitable, then it is worth doing the color is lighter or darker. With this choice of tattoo color, we adjust to the main color of the character and make the tattoo more "authentic", or neutral colors such as black, white or gray can be used for tattoos.

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    KoreanRiceBunny said:

    Does anyone have any ideas for what tattoos I should get to show which race I belong to? Maybe something like hers~

    Since you're assumingly Korean, you could get the lines of the South Korean flag with a QoH in the middle. There's a tattoo of that in a more recent post that I forgot unfortunately.

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