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I don't know why I get so *racist* when I'm horny, but the thought of dead niggers has me so fucking wet! Black lives never mattered, and it's so funny how insecure the BLM movement has made niggers in general. They can't go five minutes without reminding each other that they're slaves. They're addicted to feeling inferior.

Black lives matter less than cattle because we don't torment ordinary animals when we slaughter them. Black lives were created to serve and entertain the white race. It's normal to get hard at the thought of killing niggers because that's the God given duty of white men. The sooner every last one of those apes is either enslaved or in hell, the sooner the world will be a much better, safer, whiter place.

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    ezr000 said:

    Ethiopia wasn't colonized so it has the purest African DNA

    Gotta change it I guess

    I mean, if you want to be pedantic, it was colonized and integrated into Italian East Africa after the Ethiopian defeat in 1936, but it lasted a fraction of the time of most other colonies.

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