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HungWhiteFembull said:

Elegant bitches like this make the perfect sets of holes for nazi's. Eager to please, eager to serve!~
And all but willing to stomp a few niggers' heads along the way.

i know a few inferiors to point her to ^^ (my husbands one of em)

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    Beautiful Italian fleet queens, but I think the blackout tattoos are jarring and out of place, especially the leg ones and the fact they're runes on Roma, bit of a stretch theme wise and the repeating pattern hurts to look at a little. Impero's tattoo of all her white babies is really really sweet and adorable.

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    I always recommendto my fellow subhuman homo bitches to tease their Aryan "massah" and rapist whenever they're going to fuck their giant subhuman booty. It makes the Aryan Alpha Male SO much more violent, and fills them with enough stamina to fuck you for so long that, by the time they're done with you, you'll be unconscious from squirting yourself retarded~

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    That will show her to be an uppity feminist supercunt! One taste of Aryan Supercock, and all inferior female bitches submit and become docile! She'll probably beg him to become part of his housewife harem after breeding her with his superior Aryan seed~

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