


Bleached-girl said:

I would be willing to belong to any white evil that will take care of me <3

Awww is it really evil if they’re making the world a better place, by making sure they’re more white men to take care of beautiful girls like you~?

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    DaddyTarkus said:

    Calling her a good girl and cuddling her during the day ~
    At night she gets pinned down, stretched out and called a good little dumb Asian whore while she begs for more ~
    Asians are the best girls to make xour own ~

    Nothing but facts brother

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    Carl3256 said:

    I had to create an account after seeing this, it’s as accurate as that other guy spazzing out. I agree that Russian culture did not descend from the Kievan Rus, no matter how much they claim it. But they also did not descend from the Mongols at all. It was the Grand Duchy of Moscow that created a definitive Russian culture after it unified the rest of Russia. While it may have started out paying tribute to the Golden Horde, their culture was not from them, but was a mix of Slavic and Byzantine cultures. The Mongols themselves never really spread any culture, because as a nomadic empire, it just wasn’t something they could do, the Mongols mainly extracted tribute and occasionally intervened here and there. They actually encouraged the trade between the Novgorod Republic and the Hanseatic League. As for wooden castles, no, the Russians built both stone and wooden, but primarily wooden because wood was extremely cheap and always abundant, not because they could burn it down later. As for the Japan thing, I agree it was mostly the bombs, but the Soviets did have an impact, the bombs pacified the civilian population, but the army still wanted to keep fighting. The army was always promised they would never have to fight the Soviets, but when the Soviets invaded, the army became pacified as well. On a final note, I agree the Japanese don’t come on Russian cock, the Russians did not try to expand there, they were preoccupied already with the Central Asians coming on their cocks.

    What a funny "trying to be polite" ruSSian bullshit.) ruSSian culture was shaped with Tamerlan and his power and islam as example of despotism.) Rather, it all started after the trip to Moscow. ) Russians are always engaged in cargo-cult, that is why they destroyed the culture they had and introduced despotism, but left the current religion because in Orthodoxy it is the ministry of the soul, not religion.)

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    Tank_Dempsey said:

    Russians have a lot of experience fucking Asian girls. Starting from their history, the glorious Russian Vikings fucked Sami pussy. Then they fucked Finnish pussy. Then they invaded Eastern Europe and fucked Karelian pussy, Chuvash pussy and Khazar pussy. Afterwards Russians did a Manifest Destiny and colonised Siberia, fucking Tatar pussy, Tungasic pussy, Mongol pussy and Manchu pussy. Russians even colonised Alaska and fucked Native American pussy.

    Never forget that is was due to the Soviets that Japan surrendered in WW2. Russians had so much experience that the best Asian pussy of all - Japanese pussy - was cumming uncontrollable by the thrusts of a Russian Viking cock. Uraaaaaaa!!

    Vikings, like Ukrainians, rarely mixed with Russians. The reason is simple - a person does not consider a slave his equal. These American visions of slavery, where you yourself can increase the number of your slaves, existed only in the USA, and then in the Russian Empire on the territory of modern Russia as an example of bad influence.

    But Ukrainians and Vikings easily mixed with other nations and races. For example, the Eastern part of modern Russia is slightly more than completely inhabited by Ukrainians. And only Ukrainians mixed with the local Asian population. Do you know why? Because we did not and do not consider you as equals and people. And they are equal for us.

    Russians are still racist. They only mix with "whites". If you see a citizen of Russia with a girl of another race, you can be sure that he is anyone, but not ethnically Russian.

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    Народ, а вам не кажется что выяснять кто из белых более белый несколько глупо? А то и впрямь дойдëм что Европу арабы да нигеры захватят.

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